Forum Discussion

kleetuss14's avatar
Level 3
8 years ago

FSA - query to count files in an archive

Hello Everyone, I have an old EV9.0.2 (I know, I know...super old) environment that I'm trying to restore ALL of the files back to a Windows Server.  Just want to get the data out of EV. I noticed ...
  • plaudone1's avatar
    8 years ago


    There are 89 entries that will have to be added since each is a separate archive. I will go through one example from the data that was received.  

    Use the following to add the volume to archive reference.  Only the second number will change as the volume is the same(F$).  This is example for entry 1 in the csv file.  

    INSERT INTO [EnterpriseVaultDirectory].[dbo].[FileServerVolumeArchiveEntry]








    Once the above is run you should be able to run FSAUtility using the following format:


    FSAUtility -t -s  "\\sint02.SAFETYINSURANCENET.COM\F$\user\Clmccormac" -d "\\\F$\user"

    The -d path can be any location and does not need to be an FSA target.  This should restore all of the data from that archive to the destination path as -t is always recursive.  If files exist with the same name in the path they will not be overwritten unless the -f switch is used.  However, using this could cause partial data loss if the item has been updated, but not re-archived, since the archived copy would be older and replace the updated file.  


    Then repeat the process for each of the other archives modifying the INSERT to update the second value for ArchiveVEID.  


    After all is complete you can remove the source volume and target.  You can also delete the archives for each of the ones that was restored to clear up storage space.  


