Archive Folder and Item Counts
I'm looking for a way to display some archive information. I'd like to report on folders and the count of items in each.
I have the below to list the folders, which table/tables can I link to get an item count?
USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory SELECT * from ArchiveFolderView WHERE ArchiveVEID = 'UserArchiveID'
I'm guessing RootIdentity or VaultEntryID from the above can be used to join with another table and return a count?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Ran following SQL query against VS database.
Select afv.FolderName, vt.VaultID Folder_id, ap.ArchivedItems, ap.ArchivedItemsSize 'Size(kb)' from ArchivePoint ap
inner join Vault vt on vt.ArchivePointIdentity = ap.ArchivePointIdentity
inner join EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.ArchiveFolderView afv on afv.VaultEntryId = vt.VaultID
where ap.ArchivePointId = 'UserARchiveId'