Forum Discussion

AG81's avatar
Level 5
13 years ago

FSA Archiving Volume W2K8

Hello to all,

I'm just installed a new FileServer. The OS is W2K8 std SP2 x64. I granted EV service account at local administrators group, installed de FSA services and running under this account. Shared a folder (evadmin has full control), etc. etc...

The FSA volume policy is configured to archive files with explicit permissions too. When the FSA task runs, never archive any file. The log says : No items were matched by any rule. Some files may have been ignored because of policy permission settings.

But the policy is set to archive all the PDF files, and whit explicit permissions too.

(the log is the last in the post).

I'm tried to force the policy, create a new policy with new configuration, but always return the same.


Any Idea? 


Thanks for your help!!!


Archive mode run started at 12/01/2012 14:26:55 for task FSA task, Volumes folder1

Task run: 1

Time    File    Size (bytes)    Policy name    Rule name    Rule type    Archive status    Shortcut type    Shortcut status

Summary by volume


    Estimated space saved after shortcut creation and file deletion (MB):    0,00

    No items were matched by any rule. Some files may have been ignored because of policy permission settings.

    Archive Point Summary
        ArchivePointPath    VaultStoreName    RemoveSafetyCopies
        \\server1\folder1    VSDatos    AfterBackup

    Retention Folders Summary

        No folders created.

Total volumes processed:     1
Total folders processed:     2

Total number of files matching an archive rule:               0
Total number of files matching an archive and copy rule:      0
Total number of files matching a do not archive rule:         0
Total number of files matching a delete rule:                 0

Total files that matched a rule and were processed successfully:      0 (0,00 MB)
Total files archived:                                                 0 (0,00 MB)
Total files excluded by a do not archive rule:                        0 (0,00 MB)

Shortcut Creation
Total number of files matching a 'Create Shortcuts Immediately' rule:       0
Total number of files matching a 'Create Shortcuts Later' rule:             0
Total number of files matching a 'None. Archive and Delete File' rule:      0

Total errors reported: 0

Processing of all volumes is complete.

Start time: 12/01/2012 14:26:55
End time:   12/01/2012 14:28:55
Elapsed Time: 00:01:59

5 Replies

  • I think that i'm solved it...correct me if 'im mistaked.

    In the Policy, at the PDF rule, there was in Time and Size selected:

    Last access time is : older than 3 months

    Last modified time is: older than 6 months


    I'm always think that if two conditions are selected, it works like a OR (access time older than 3 months OR modified time older than 6 months).

    But this is not correct, it works like a AND. If all the conditions are not satisfied, EV will not archive it.

    Then, now i'm only select Las modified time is: 6 month, and it's working (in the report...)

  • Thanks Nathan!

    Then, if possible to do my first scenario by any way (3 acces month OR 6 modify month)



  • you could create mulitple rules.  One for access older then 3 months and then one for last modified.

    Put the access older than 3 months first and last modified second.