Forum Discussion

Jeffrey_Kraus's avatar
5 years ago

Getting event ID 28993 Unable to convert item content Reason: The converted content is too large

Hi, Im getting a lot of these error. is there a way to allow larger file to be prossesed into Evault. we need to save these files for audit and legal issues.

I'm running EV ver

Unable to convert item content
Reason: The converted content is too large to process (0xc0041bd0)
Supplementary Info:

Item: SA:-0
Subject: Nap Model v1.1.xlsm
Type: xlsm
Vault ID: 1DD66B0577574F7499A256B0FAF2F287C1110000evserver
SaveSet ID: 202006101809640~202004211940590000~Z~B0CA53408BBBC4484503C0C452EC7A11
Attachment ID: 1

This item will be archived without a preview being available to the web application and the content will not be indexed. It is not possible to search on the content but the item can be restored as normal

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  • Hello Jeff,

    The item IS archived, it is not indexed. This means that a Legal search (using Discovery Accelerator as example) will not find key words in the attachment itself. If it is attached to an email, it will find that mail.

    There are some caveats when indexing very large items. It will slow down your archiving for instance, it uses a lot of memory also. You need to look at Content Conversion

    If you go here look for 28993 you find some articles and kb's describing the issue, and advising possible workarounds.

  • Hello Jeff,

    The item IS archived, it is not indexed. This means that a Legal search (using Discovery Accelerator as example) will not find key words in the attachment itself. If it is attached to an email, it will find that mail.

    There are some caveats when indexing very large items. It will slow down your archiving for instance, it uses a lot of memory also. You need to look at Content Conversion

    If you go here look for 28993 you find some articles and kb's describing the issue, and advising possible workarounds.

    • Jeffrey_Kraus's avatar
      Level 2

      Thanks  Gertjan,

      It appears I have bigger issues. the entire index directory was deleted more than 8 months ago. We had a third party (outside legal consul) supposedly administrating and monitoring this server. They left it as a **bleep** show. Well they are gone now!! And I'm left to pick up the pieces. the wiped out the whole directory structure C:\EVStorage\index\index1-8. I found and old copy of the directory on another drive, but there is not enough room to copy it to the old directory. I want to put these file on a New Drive, but having trouble with the move index wizard.

      I'll create another post for this 

      thanks for your help
