Forum Discussion

groucho007's avatar
Level 2
17 years ago

how to enumerate placeholders in mailboxes

to produce reports on the amount of placeholders in mailboxes we need a code to discover those placeholders through vbscript.
Does anyone know the properties of placeholder-items in mailboxes en through what method to discover them best?
Since we have about 10.000 users detection through Outlook does not seem to be handy, methods on the mailstore seem better; but perhaps someone can surprise me
thanks in advance

2 Replies

  • Hi Groucho
    When you refer to placeholders in mailbox's do you mean shortcuts? sorry to be picky just want to clear up that I am not missing something.
    Mr Meeker
  • Hi

    This is definitely not a task that you want to do with vbscript.
    Try a serious programming language.... :)

    Just kidding. The reason for this is that you have to use MAPI to access the Exchange Server.
    If really want to do this, I can point you out a few things:

    - Use a MAPI Library like Mapi33 ( or Redemption (
    - Look for Message Class IPM.Note.EnterpriseVault.Shortcut

    Be warned that you propably need to use a .NET Programming Language (VB.NET / C#) and that MAPI is not the easiest one.
