Forum Discussion

Bruce_Cranksh1's avatar
9 years ago

In Place Upgrade of OS

Hi All

I have  a customer that wants to upgrade the OS of 4 EV servers from windows 2008 to windows 2012R2 ( these are Hyper-V VM)


Normally I would do an EV Server Move, create the new  VM on the relevant OS and present the old EV storage, use the same name and run the EV setup. This always works


However the customer believes there are issues with presenting the storage using Hyper-V so they cant follow the normal option of an EV Server Move. They want to do an upgrade of the OS directly and I was wondering if this would work based on the following steps


  • I can uninstall the EV binaries from the Server but obviously dont remove the Index and VS Data
  • The customer can then upgrade the Windows OS 
  • I can then install the EV binaries on the new OS
  • EV will detect the same Server name and because the old EV Storage is presented it should reconfigure the server 

Will this work and am I missing anything?

  • Hi Guys

    The process works, so the steps are


    • Uninstall the EV binaries on each server
    • Upgrade the OS to Windows 2102
    • Reinstall EV and because the server name is the same when you run the EV Config it works as expected and EV does a recovery on the new OS


    Problem solved 


10 Replies

  • I guess the main question would be what support says?

    I don't see a reason why it shouldn't work (if the in place upgrade is successfull) but there is that "should work" :)


    I would still check why they can't move the storage.

    If the storage is presented to the current VM's it shouldn't be a big issue to present them to a different VM.


  • Since they are VM's you can always take a Snapshot and roll back if needed.  Have you seen this blog?


    Sounds like it might work.

  • personally, i've had nothing but issues with hyper-v and snapshots. i wouldn't rely on them. rather take a full backup before you start.

  • Thanks guys, I appreciate the feedback

    I'll proceed with the OS upgrade and let you know how it goes 

  • Hi Guys

    The process works, so the steps are


    • Uninstall the EV binaries on each server
    • Upgrade the OS to Windows 2102
    • Reinstall EV and because the server name is the same when you run the EV Config it works as expected and EV does a recovery on the new OS


    Problem solved 


    • proassurancecor's avatar
      Level 2

      I tried to upgrade the OS this weekend but didn't uninstall EV.   However, I ended up with IIS issues.  EVIndex, World Wide Publishing, Windows Process Activation services all would not start.   When opening up IIS Manager 8 I received a CLSID errors as well.   

      I rolled back in vmware to 2008 R2 from a snapshot. 

      Should I try to uninstall the binaries as well as IIS first?  Then upgrade?   The uninstalling of the binaries is worrying me. 

      Should I not worry?  



      • GertjanA's avatar

        Hello Gary,

        It is best to create a new entry, refer this thread, then wait for answers. Not many people look at already closed questions to answer.

        but, to answer your question. If you uninstall EV, then upgrade the OS, then reinstall EV, you should not have issues. What you need to do is to re-install EV after the OS is succesfully upgraded (including any SP and/or hotfix you had applied). After installing it, start the Enterprise Vault Configuration. When you then enter the EXISTING sql server, the config programm will see it is the existing server, and configure it as it is supposed to be.

        some documentation can be found here: How to move Enterprise Vault to a new serr