Journaling Issue
I have an issue where my colleague created a new Stroage group and instead of pointing this to the jounral mailbox for that server he has pointed it to the mailbox we use as the system mailbox (we tend to think of it as the Archive box)
unforunately no one noticed untill it had 130000 mails.
to resolve the issue i created the Archive mailbox as a second journal task mailbox and set it to run. unforunately it got down to 19000 and it stopped clearing down the Archive mailbox (i left it for two days before coming to this conclusion) unforunately i don't know why it won't clear the rest of the archive or how to resolve this issue
I have tried moving the some of the mails into the main journal mailbox but this doesn't journal down them either.
is there a age before EV won't journal the mails and if so is there a way i can reset them to get these 19000 journaled