Forum Discussion

pravingoud's avatar
Level 4
7 years ago

Journaling mailbox archiving not working in new Enterprise vault 12.1

Dear Team,

i am facing journaling mail archving issue on enterprise vault 12.1 enviourment.i have also opened case with veritas we are working on this issue past 3 days but still we didnt get any solution..there is no event viewer generating any error. we are troubleshooting through Dtrace. stilll i am facing this issue.its very crucial. continues my database size increasing there is huge mail flow.please help me if any one have any solution or suggestion asap.

kindly find the attached last Dtrace details.and msmq que screen shot.

Thanks in Advance


Pravin Goud

Enterprise Vault Admin



  • We´ve had a similar issue (Case# 21229957) with MUTEX Errors in the drace log. There was a relation to a McAfee AV on the exchange server. Maybe you can ask the veritas support if they can compare the cases.

7 Replies

  • We´ve had a similar issue (Case# 21229957) with MUTEX Errors in the drace log. There was a relation to a McAfee AV on the exchange server. Maybe you can ask the veritas support if they can compare the cases.

    • pravingoud's avatar
      Level 4

      Dear jakob,

      Thanks for the support :-) 

      We have disabled Macfee AV on journaling server. also tried do find error in Dtrace but still we are facing same issue.past a week we are working with veritas team but still we didnt get any solution.if you have any idea or suggestion please share with us.  



      Pravin Goud

    • pravingoud's avatar
      Level 4

      Hola jakob,

      Thank You so much :-)

      As checked  we disbled Macfee on exchange server and observed and noticed  journaling archiving working properly.

      issue has been resolved :-)

      now help me for next solution what we can do with macfee AV? there is any patches we should installed on all EV and Exchange server? please help us if you have any suggetion.



      Pravin Goud