Forum Discussion

Jose_Luis_Per1's avatar
18 years ago

Mailbox Archiving Task Schedule doesn´t work

I just installed EV7SP1 and Mailbox Archiving is working manually as expected but the MBA task does not start automatically according to schedule.
If the task is restarted MBA will run once right after the restart but never after.
I tried  document 287956  to change a "site schedule value for the provisioning task" on the directory database but it does not solve this issue (and I think it shouldn´t).
Any idea on what could be wrong?
Thanks in advance,
Jose Luis
  • A couple more questions just so I understand.  :)
    Is the task set to use the site schedule or a custom schedule? 
    When you say process mail every 15 minutes do you mean that you have the schedule marked run every 15 minutes?  When you look at the schedule what is blue? 
    The 15 minutes or 1 hour Interval on the schedule is simply to show the schedule in those increments and does not refer to run times.  Excerpt from help below.
    1 hour. Select this to make the time display show units of one hour. You can then select times in intervals of an hour.
    15 minutes. Select this to make the time display show units of a quarter of an hour. You can then select times in quarter hours.
    Note that, if you change the display back to 1 hour, all times are rounded up to the nearest whole hour. For example, if you set a range of 07:00 to 07:15 it would become a range of 07:00 to 08:00 when you change the display to 1 hour. This change is not reversed if you change back to 15 minute intervals. If you do change to hourly intervals by mistake, use Cancel to abandon your changes.

5 Replies

  • What is your archive policy rules, are you doing age based or quota?
    Also, what is your schedule set to?  When you say Start via schedule are you talking about the actual state of the Task or are you talking about processing?
    The schedule is for processing of mailboxes and not the actual starting of the Task.
  • Thanks Tony,
    What is your archive policy rules, are you doing age based or quota?
    *Age based and for testing purposes it´s configured to archive every email immediately (0 days). 
    Also, what is your schedule set to?
    *The task is in a running state but it won´t process emails every 15 minutes. Note that the "Run Now" button will do the job as expected either in report or in normal mode.
    The schedule is for processing of mailboxes and not the actual starting of the Task.
    * I agree. The task is started.
    Jose Luis
  • A couple more questions just so I understand.  :)
    Is the task set to use the site schedule or a custom schedule? 
    When you say process mail every 15 minutes do you mean that you have the schedule marked run every 15 minutes?  When you look at the schedule what is blue? 
    The 15 minutes or 1 hour Interval on the schedule is simply to show the schedule in those increments and does not refer to run times.  Excerpt from help below.
    1 hour. Select this to make the time display show units of one hour. You can then select times in intervals of an hour.
    15 minutes. Select this to make the time display show units of a quarter of an hour. You can then select times in quarter hours.
    Note that, if you change the display back to 1 hour, all times are rounded up to the nearest whole hour. For example, if you set a range of 07:00 to 07:15 it would become a range of 07:00 to 08:00 when you change the display to 1 hour. This change is not reversed if you change back to 15 minute intervals. If you do change to hourly intervals by mistake, use Cancel to abandon your changes.
  • Thanks again, Tony,
    Is the task set to use the site schedule or a custom schedule?
    * Right now it is set to a custom schedule but I tried using the site´s schedule as well.
    When you say process mail every 15 minutes do you mean that you have the schedule marked run every 15 minutes?
    * As far as I recall, if this time matches the schedule, the task should run every 15 minutes (but I could be wrong). Since the whole schedule is selected for processing, then it should process any new incoming mails frecuently.
    When you look at the schedule what is blue? 
    *The whole schedule is actually blue.
    Jose Luis
  • Hi,
    I think you are misunderstanding the scheduling.
    When EV enters a schedule period (goes from white to blue in the schedule) then it'll kick off a scan to do the mailboxes.  So once it's done that scan, that's it, nothing more to be done...
    So in your case because you have a 'solid blue' schedule EV is just doing the above logic one scan (or so) and that's it.
    Now if you were to put stripes into the schedule then that would cause subsequent scans of those mailboxes as EV enters each of the schedule periods(from white to blue)
    So EV just doesn't continue to scan mailboxes again and again during the schedule period.  It will do that but only in the specific case where a previous scan suggested there were get more items to archive.