Forum Discussion

Dave201's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

Mailbox delegates and Enterprise Vault Archive permissions



As far as i know, mailbox delegates don't have rights on the archive of that mailbox ?

Is that normal or should delegates have access on the archive ?

In the policy the Synchronize Folder Permission is ON

But Delegates don't get archive permissions ..


When i set Inherited permissions to ON in the policy they get access to the archive ( after the archiving task has runned)

And when i leave Inherited permissions to OFF and run a manual sync for a mailbox with folder hierarchy permissions checked, they also get rights on the archive ..


Is there maybe a problem with our configuration or does it work as designed ?


Kind regards,


  • Delegate Access should just be gotten via folder permissions.
    How are you checking for permissions though? and where are the delegate permissions being set? on a particular folder or mailbox?
    Folders won't show up on the archive properties, you'd have to use PermissionsBrowser to see what individual Folder permissions are set 

    You may want to look at this technote as well:

5 Replies

  • Delegate Access should just be gotten via folder permissions.
    How are you checking for permissions though? and where are the delegate permissions being set? on a particular folder or mailbox?
    Folders won't show up on the archive properties, you'd have to use PermissionsBrowser to see what individual Folder permissions are set 

    You may want to look at this technote as well:

  • Delegate have permissions to any folders in the archive that they have permissions to in the mailbox.  As JW3 stated you have to use PermissionsBrowser to see these permissions, they don't show up in the archive properties.

  • I have tested with some mailboxes, giving owner rights on "Inbox" folder from within outlook.  But when checking after 1 day it was not possible to view the archived part of the mail.. (no rights).

    Users say that it worked in the past, so i think something must have changed in the configuration of EV !?

    Only after manually synchronizing the mailbox with a check at folder hierarchy permissions i was able to see the archived part of the mail in the inbox folder.

    I will check today what i see with the PermissionsBrowser..

    We use btw EV 10 and exchange 2010


  • Addon:   We upgraded to exchange 2010 in the end of last year, is it maybe possible that we have to change something in the config of exchange ?


  • I now made a test account with a mailbox which i gave "editor" rights in my inbox.  after running the synchronization on my mailbox with the checks on "Archiving settings" and "Mailbox properties and Permissions"  i saw no rights on the concerned folder in de Permissionsbrowser.

    But when i did it again with the check at "folder hierarchy and permissions"  the testaccount had permissions !?  and they were visible in the permissionsbrowser.

    I heard that in the scheduled run of the archiving task, the "folder hierarchy and permissions" is checked !?
    If that's true, why isn't it working in the scheduled run ?