Forum Discussion

mumair109917's avatar
13 years ago

Move Indexing path of enterprise vault

Hi, we are using enterprise vault 9.0.1 for exchange 2010 with SQL 2008 R2, now i want to move my indexing data to shared storage which is currently on local drive. i have ev installation guide i...
  • Wayne_Humphrey's avatar
    13 years ago


    On the EnterpriseVaultDirectory database run this:


    IRPE.IndexRootPathEntryId AS 'Index Root Path ID',
    IRPE.IndexRootPath AS 'Path',
    CE.ComputerName AS 'EV Server'
    dbo.IndexRootPathEntry AS IRPE,
    dbo.IndexingServiceEntry AS ISE,
    dbo.ComputerEntry AS CE
    IRPE.IndexServiceEntryId=ISE.ServiceEntryId AND

    That will list all your Index Root Path IDs, Path and EV Servers they belong to. Now run the following with the infor you recived from above:

    UPDATE IndexRootPathEntry
    SET IndexRootPath = 'NewLocation'
    WHERE (IndexRootPathEntryId = 'IndexRootPathEntryId')
    For example:
    UPDATE IndexRootPathEntry
    SET IndexRootPath = '\\server\new_index\location1'
    WHERE (IndexRootPathEntryId = 1158CE34B7F728248852B0F1297F0ACED1810000vltsrv01')