MSMQ behaviour
Hi, I'm using EV10 SP3, Exchange 2010. We have 2 EV servers, one journaling one for users mailboxes, with separate SQL 2008 server. Last night we enabled 100 people in EV, the first of our pilot groups. We forced an archive run at 4pm which finished at 12:30am. Over that period it archived 416,000 items. Looking at the SAN utilisation, everything went along ok until 8pm-12am when for some reason MSMQ went crazy and spiked for 4 hours (see pic). The other luns continued on at around 50-100 I/O throughout the period, but MSMQ went to 900. What could cause this behaviour?
(The pic shows MSMQ in red, index (blue), partition (green), and SQL database (dark blue) and Logs (magenta) volumes)
Where have you placed the MSMQ storage location? Is it default location? We recommend moving the MSMQ location to different drive than the system drive.
I found following information in Performance Guide.
Archiving generates IOs on local disks. The primary causes of these are
The creation of temporary files used when archiving and conversion
IOs generated by MSMQ
IOs to the Enterprise Vault cache location.
To isolate the IOs that MSMQ and Enterprise Vault cache cause, place the MSMQ files and the Enterprise Vault cache on fast local disks separate from the system disk and from each other. MSMQ is used during Exchange archiving and journaling but not for File System Archiving, Domino journaling and Domino mailbox archiving, PST migration, or SMTP archiving.
Blade servers generally have slow local disks that are not suitable for high IO loads.