Forum Discussion

wren_mott's avatar
Level 3
19 years ago

Multiple 4167 Event ID's

Hi All -

I am seeing this cryptic error in the EV event log. Does anyone have a clue as to what this might mean? Has anyone else seen this error?

We're running 6.0 SP2 on an ESX virtual machine.



An exception has been raised.
Internal reference

An exception is raised when a process encounters an unexpected fault.
  • Is there an event either before or after that talks about trying to convert an item? you might need to look in the EV Conversion app log to match up the times. I have seen this error in the past when trying to convert an attachment that could not be converted. The resolution was to add this file to the exclusion list

5 Replies

  • Wren,
    When is the error occuring, how frequent, what process is associated with it. Can you give us any more background. Oh, and if you can reproduce it, get a dtrace of the service that's failing and post it up.

  • Here is the data in th error:

    0000: 54 68 65 20 77 61 69 74 The wait
    0008: 20 6f 70 65 72 61 74 69 operati
    0010: 6f 6e 20 74 69 6d 65 64 on timed
    0018: 20 6f 75 74 2e 20 20 5b out.

    Ahh yes....DTRACE. I'll have to hone my skills a little bit there. I haven't yet used it. Once I get some info I'll post.

  • Is there an event either before or after that talks about trying to convert an item? you might need to look in the EV Conversion app log to match up the times. I have seen this error in the past when trying to convert an attachment that could not be converted. The resolution was to add this file to the exclusion list
  • I checked the conversion log and three minutes prior to the error I saw the following. It doesn't seem to perfectly coincide with the time stamp of the 4167 errors so I am assuming they're unrelated. I've been burned on assumptions before, however. :)

    Event Type:Warning
    Event Source:Enterprise Vault Converters
    Event Category:Storage Archive
    Event ID:6629
    Time:12:27:03 PM
    Unable to convert item content

    Reason: Unspecified error
    Supplementary Info: file is corrupt (9)

    Item: Saveset Message for Mailbox /o=MullinTBG/ou=First Administrative Group/cn=Recipients/cn=JChon, Message titled: Re: Ericsson - Transactions for July 2004
    Subject: Re: Ericsson - Transactions for July 2004
    Attachment: ERC - Fund Detail.xls
    Type: xls

    This item will be archived without a preview being available to the web application and the content will not be indexed. It is not possible to search on the content but the item can be restored as normal