No Option to Delete Archived Items in Search Window
Hi all - I have an issue where I cannot see the option to delete archived items directly from the vault using EV Search.
EV version =
I can delete archived items from my Virtual Vault fine - deleting the items in the VV moves them to the Deleted Items folder within the VV and when I then empty this folder and synchronise the vault, the items are deleted from my online vault.
'Users can delete items from their archives' is enabled in the Site Properties.
'Prevent user deletion of items with this category' is NOT ticked in the Retention Category.
We use NetApp filers as the storage for the archived items and the DVS files are NOT set as read-only.
I can browse items in my vault using the 'Search Vaults' option with no problem but I do not the option to delete items - I only see the following when right-clicking:
Am I missing something - the documentation in the link below suggests I should be able to delete individual items from within my vault by right-clicking the item and selecting 'delete'.
So if you go to Site Name -> Policies -> Search
Go to the properties of your Search Policy, and you have allow deletes there