Forum Discussion

Itegral's avatar
Level 6
8 years ago

Office 365 with on-premise Enterprise Vault

What options are available to run Office 365 with on-premise EV 11 (running mailbox and journal archiving)?

Q1 - For example, while in the process of mailbox migration to O365, what would I need to have in place to ensure that "migrated users" still have access to the on-premise EV?

Q2 - What migration approach should I take, other than using 3rd party tools (commercial hit)?

7 Replies

  • A few ideas..


    a/ Assuming you can go hybrid to Office 365, why not keep the mailbox on premise, and create a personal archive / secondary mailbox in Office 365 itself

    b/ You could then use 3rd party tools (eg ArchiveShuttle)  to migrate all the EV archive data to the personal archive, and independently move the mailbox.

    c/ You could export the EV archive back to the mailbox, and setup inbox rules to move everything to the secondary mailbox whilst on premise.. the migrate the whole lot to Office 365

    d/ The underlying issue is that as far as I know, once you have the mailbox in Office 365, you *might* be able to access to the EV archived content, via the shortcuts etc, but little else will work. I don't think you can export the archive using native tools, to the mailbox, nor can you use things like Virtual Vault.


    In the end if you don't want to use 3rd party tools, you'll have to migrate everything out of EV before you move to Office 365

      • Rob_Wilcox1's avatar
        Level 6

        I believe you can configure an O365 tenant to forward email (ie journal) to an on-premise system, eg Enterprise Vault.


        For existing journal data, end-users don't access that.  So you can:


        a/ Keep EV, and use it to do queries against journal

        b/ Migrate it all to Office 365, and put it on Legal Hold

        c/ Export the whole lot to PST, or some other format

        d/ Export it to some format, and import it into a different cloud provider, like Global Relay


        ArchiveShuttle, for example, has a very slick process for doing the second option, using just a few temporary Office 365 licenses, and splitting over multiple mailboxes.