Forum Discussion

DelphineFR's avatar
Level 5
12 years ago

OWA 2003

Hi all,

Since a lot of years everything work perfectly... since the arrival of a new exchange2010 in my architecture and then I play to much with the ev server, and seems I have broken something that working... my owa ...

EV 9.0.4 on a windows 2003sever with 2 exchange 2003 server.

let's resume in a few print screen :

1 : my archive buton (before today was working)

3 : what's happening when I try to archive.

Before this blanck windows, yesterday all the filed was auto completed by himself... now an empty field.

What I did between yesterday and today? Well I changed in the exchangeservers.txt I put my new IP of exchange2010. I reload the owauser.wsf... I play with the evanon in IIS... but that's all. I tryied to "restore" the oldies configuration, but no luck, still not working.


Any help will be appreciate.

  • So you said :



     Well I changed in the exchangeservers.txt I put my new IP of exchange2010.



    Edit the file again.

    Put in the IP addresses of ALL of your Exchange 2003 servers, including the front-end servers if you have any. One per line.

    Also put in your Exchange 2010 server, it won't hurt.  If you have more than, that's fine .. put each IP address that has a CAS role installed.

    Run (from a command prompt) cscript owauser.wsf /user:xyz /domain:abc /password: def

    .. obviously with the correct values in.

    Does it complete successfully?

    Then restart your Admin Service.

    Then synch all your mailboxes

    Then see what happens in a NEW OWA session on Exchange 2003.

7 Replies

  • So you said :



     Well I changed in the exchangeservers.txt I put my new IP of exchange2010.



    Edit the file again.

    Put in the IP addresses of ALL of your Exchange 2003 servers, including the front-end servers if you have any. One per line.

    Also put in your Exchange 2010 server, it won't hurt.  If you have more than, that's fine .. put each IP address that has a CAS role installed.

    Run (from a command prompt) cscript owauser.wsf /user:xyz /domain:abc /password: def

    .. obviously with the correct values in.

    Does it complete successfully?

    Then restart your Admin Service.

    Then synch all your mailboxes

    Then see what happens in a NEW OWA session on Exchange 2003.

  • I did it.

    Work fine.

    I restart the admin service.

    Synch ok

    unfornatly no working on the OWA.

    I could add something, before the break, this not happen :


    when I click on the archive button, it's freeze my browser for I 20 seconde, before openning the blanck enterprise vault windows. Before, it's was very faster.

  • But this script erase the IP of my reverse proxy on the evanon IIS access, I add it manually on the OwaNon granted access.

    Should I add it on the exchangeservers.txt and reload the cscript or it's the same way?

  • working backkkk! i'm so happy.

    What I did :

    the cscript until the sync mail.

    Not working.

    Then I see that my reverse proxy IP missing in the granted acces. As I understand that the exchangeservers.txt IP add it on the evanon property. So I add it on the IIS console. But few test ago, I didnot restart vault service, sync mailbox etc etc, just IIS service. Maybe it's a hudge difference?

    So as I restart vault admin service, synchronize the mailbox of exchange server, I could now archive on owa!

    Thank you for taking time to help !

    Last question : could I put my reverse IP on the exchangeserver.txt, because if one day I reload the script, I will be again missing, and my memory could not working ;-)


    Well go back to the tread of 2010 owa ;-) But maybe it's will working now? Let's test.

  • If you add entries manually in to IIS then they are listed as 'local', the ones from the script will be listed as 'inherited'.

    I would add it to the ExchangeServers.txt file if that is what made it work for you.

  • Ok thanks, I'll add on the txt file.

    Yes our reverse is the main acces to the server.

    Thanks here also, this issu is now resolve, and much resolve, I understand my mystake.