Forum Discussion

Yaara_Gabay's avatar
13 years ago

OWA 2003 with EV 9.0.2


i'm having an issue with EV 9.0.2 OWA for exchange 2003.

the site includes three exchange servers – front end and two back ends.

i installed OWA 2003 extensions on both back end servers.

server1 – everything is ok, I can store and restore emails.

server 2 – there are no buttons at owa client. While trying to open an archived mail i get the following error:

directory '\\.\BackOfficeStorage\DomainName' does not exist. Failed to start monitoring file changes.

Description: An Unhandled excwption occured during the execution of the current web request.

i tried to reboot the exchange server according to -, it didn't help.

if anyone has an idea it will be very helpful,






  • Hi,

    thanks everyone.

    the issue has been solved with Symantec support's help.

    the local path on the specific server on IIS was wrong:\public instead of


9 Replies

  • Hello yaarag,

    Concerning missing buttons - did you check

  • thank you for your response.

    i didn't try that because this document is about exchange 2007 and my problem is with exchange 2003 environment.

    anyhow, i partially solved the problem (by adding a missing IP address to the ExchangeServer.txt file. and now the only issue is the missing buttons.


  • Have you checked the EVServers.txt on the exchange servers and make sure that are correct!!??
  • did you run the owauser.wsf script after the changing in exchangeserver.txt file?

  • i tried the EVORT, it shows no errors.

    i also tried to re-install the owa extensions. didn't help.

    regarding to owauser.wsf - i did run it, otherwise i wouldn't be able to open archived mails. the only issue is the ev tool bar.


  • Are you still having this issue?  Can you test to make sure \\BackOfficeStorage is accessible?

    Open cmd on the backend server.

    Type : dir \\.\BackOfficeStorage

    That should return your Domain.  Then you can type dir \\.\BackOfficeStorage\Domain

    - From here you can make sure you can access ther MBX directory (dir \\.\BackOfficeStorage\Domain\MBX).

    Also, are there any issues with registering our forms against any of the Information Stores on this server?

    You can check the backend2003setup.wsf.log for any errors.

    Hope this helps.

  • Hi,

    thanks everyone.

    the issue has been solved with Symantec support's help.

    the local path on the specific server on IIS was wrong:\public instead of