20 years agoLevel 3
Permissions on Mailbox Archives - automatically set permissions
When I look at the permissions on a few of our users mailbox archives, as well as their own, I see my own user account. I don't want this so when I try to remove my account I get the message "Account username cannot be removed as it has automatically set permissions associated with it" I have top level permissions throughout Exchange, but I would expect to see this on all the users if this were the case. Does anyone know how I can remove these "higher" permissions.
- Darren,
the Reg Key is IncludeInheritedRights. It is documented on Page 53 of the Version 6 Admin Guide (http://ftp.support.veritas.com/pub/support/products/Exchange_Mailbox_Archiving_Unit/277778.pdf). It's got a "Legacy Name" so I guess version 6 can apply it within the Admin Console rather than you having to stick in a registry key.
Helpfully the manual doesn't tell you where to put the key if you aren't at ver 6 yet and there doesn't appear to be any other documentation. How unusual.
HKLM\Software\KVS\Enterprise Vault\Agents.
It's a DWORD. 1 = include them (don't do this!) 0 = don't (but this should be the default EV behavior anyway)
So there you go. You only need apply this if you think EV might be exhibiting bug behavior.
Hope this is helpful