Forum Discussion

djbrown71's avatar
Level 4
14 years ago

Problem archiving a particular mailbox


I have just noticed one of my mailboxes had old emails present that should have been archived. Coincidentally, the last email in the inbox was an EV message informing of the completion of a PST migration? 

The mailbox is provisioned properly and the correct policy applied (Archive everything over 3mths and create shortcuts).

So far I have disabled archiving and re-enabled for this mailbox, re-synched and ran another provisioning task.

If i try a 'Run Now' report nothing gets logged either.

Any ideas?


  • based on the length of time, the evidence provided etc, i would suggest calling in a case with symantec support, have them reference this thread and they can go through the comments and dtraces and get up to speed pretty quickly....

19 Replies

  • Hi all, thanks to all of you who have offered advice on the issue i'm having.

    I wanted to summarise where i have got to with my problem:

    1 users mailbox which dosen't seem to archive during the nightly scheduled run. When i look at the A5 queue there is 1 record which corresponds to this mailbox.

    If i run a Dtrace on the ArchiveTask when only the A5 shows only 1 entry (for the mailbox which isn't archiving) and the A6 queue shows 1 but doesn't actually have entry, i get the following:

    EV:M CQMonitor::MQ Queue:EVSVR1\Private$\Enterprise Vault Storage Archive Status:1
    EV:H VaultCoCreateInstanceEx: An error occurred - RequestedServerName = [DIUSSITE_ALIAS], UsedServerName = [DIUSSITE_ALIAS], hrCCI = [0x800706BA], hrResultsQI = [0x80004005], NumTried = [6], bLocalMachine = [False]
    EV:M CBaseDirectoryServiceWrapper::CreateDirectoryService() failed.|Hr: 0x800706ba|Retries: 6|TryLocal: false|Directory Name: DIUSSITE_ALIAS|
    EV:M HRXEX fn trace :|Source     : .\DirectoryServiceWrapper.cpp (CBaseDirectoryServiceWrapper::GetInterface) [lines {656,696,722}] built Nov  2 19:42:12 2009|Description: Call error 0x800706ba |ref[1]: DIUSSITE_ALIAS
    EV:M HRXEX fn trace :|Source     : .\DirectoryServiceWrapper.cpp (CBaseDirectoryServiceWrapper::Invoke) [lines {401,407}] built Nov  2 19:42:12 2009|Description: Call error 0x800706ba
    EV:M HRXEX fn trace :|Source     : .\DirectoryServiceWrapper.cpp (CReadDirectoryServiceWrapper::Invoke) [lines {1003,1019}] built Nov  2 19:42:12 2009|Description: Call error 0x800706ba
    EV:M CArchivingAgent::ProcessShortcutItem - Could not scan user mailbox /o=National Physical Laboratory/ou=NPL/cn=Recipients/cn=TCEJ, cannot list messages [0x800706BA] [(null)]
    EV:M CArchivingAgent::processChunkOfMessages - Call to ProcessShortcutItem Failed [0x800706BA] but we are carrying on to the next item
    EV:H :CArchivingAgent::ProcessChunkOfShortcuts() |Entering routine |
    EV:M CArchivingAgent::ProcessShortcutItem - processing shortcut '[UNCLASSIFIED] Annual Innovations Report ', size 5811 bytes
    EV:M CArchivingAgent::ProcessShortcutItem - offline vault user F, shortcutexpiryperiod 0, deleteexpireditems T, orphanedshortcut T
    EV:M CArchivingAgent::ProcessShortcutItem - Using default ExpiryDateBasis: Archived Date
    EV:M CArchivingAgent::ProcessShortcutItem - Overriding ExpiryDateBasis: Calculated Date
    EV:M CArchivingAgent::ProcessShortcutItem - '[UNCLASSIFIED] Annual Innovations Report ' this is a moved item that has been poison pilled so do not try and update its metadata again
    EV:M CArchivingAgent::ProcessShortcutItem - '[UNCLASSIFIED] Annual Innovations Report ' has not moved so do checks to see if it is eligible for shortcut deletion
    EV:M CBaseDirectoryServiceWrapper::CreateDirectoryService() - Entry [m_nNumTries = 40]
    225693076 11:19:35.085  [8044] (ArchiveTask) <10036> EV:M CQMonitor::MQ Queue:EVSVR1\Private$\Enterprise Vault Storage Archive Status:1 

    The really wierd thing is that the mailbox TCEJ is referencing an EV server which doesn't exist! Interestingly our company is associated to a goverment body which was called DIUS. I disabled this user from archiving but am still getting info in the Dtrace.

    Is it likely that the event is related to the record in the A6 queue which i can't see info on?

    Where is this EV server information for TCEJ being picked up?

    I am probably going to log this as a support case soon but from recent experience i think indepth issues like this take a long time to get resolved.

    All advice appreciated.




  • Darryl

    The issue with shortcut processing referencing another server quite likely relates to a shortcut in the mailbox the user has received from the other system.  Unfortunately there is no current solution other than deleting the shortcut from the user mailbox.

    Regarding the mailbox not processing did you trace storagearchive so we can look as to why it's generating lots of Operation Failed callbacks to the archiving task?



  • I can spot the error in the trace around GetMsgProperty - this rings a bell.  I'm having a quick search around to see what I can find.  Will let you know what I find.



  • Sorry quick question I can't spot in the thread (and it's not in the trace) which EV version you are running.



  • based on the length of time, the evidence provided etc, i would suggest calling in a case with symantec support, have them reference this thread and they can go through the comments and dtraces and get up to speed pretty quickly....

  • The issue I had in mind was similar but probably not related - I agree with JW2 that it would be best to open a support case.

    Sorry I couldn't help further.



  • Running the DTrace at the moment. I've attached a zip of the results so far. The task is taking forever for this one mailbox which might account for why it never outputed to the when run as 'Report'. The mailbox is about 1.6GB.

    An error which i noticed that didn't make sense was a reference to a different users mailbox during the Run Now archive task.The mailbox i am working on is 'Graham Topley' and the other mailbox referenced is 'TCEJ'.

    I am concerned that my nightly archive runs are not finishing. The schedule is from 8pm to 7am. When i looked in the message queue a5 i had 244 items there. I hoping this isn't part of a much bigger issue. Is there any way to cancel anything pending before i run the task?

    I believe i might have an issue with our exchange server related to performance due to mailboxes with large item counts. The idea with EV was to reduce mailbox sizes but because we haven't started deleted shortcuts the performance of exchange is suffering. The server only has 400 mailboxes, an average mailbox size of 700MB, about 50 mailboxes around a 1.5GB and a lot mailboxes with single folder item counts well over the MS recommended.


  • I purged the queues and was thinking about running another 'Run Now' for a single mailbox but before i did so i wanted to check if the archive task is doing anything. I have attached a Dtrace which was building a large log file so it looks like it's still doing something.

    Any chance you could have a quick look?

  • Karl,

    Thanks, i did suspect the reference to an other EV site was possibily related a shortcut in the persons mailbox. I have seen something similar when a PST with IMAP stubs was migrated to the vault.

    I have done a 'Run Now' selecting Archive only on the first 500 items and ran a Dtrace with the ArchiveTask and StorageArchive trace options. See attached. Can you have a look to see if you can spot anything?

    Many thanks
