Forum Discussion

bagrationi's avatar
Level 5
15 years ago

Problems accessing archived items

Hello to all,

I have a big problem to accessing archived messages.

Accidently, with no interaction in Evault server, i found that i dont access neither archived items, also a newly archived messages (Messages with attachments) and the following message is appaer instead of attachments: "There was an error loading this item-some functionality may not be available." .. and then clicking on this message, the pop-up window is displaying with error status: "The web server responded with error 403. Forbidden". This issue is exist on all machines.

..Also in Evault environment, is not accessible the archive explorer, Search Vault and etc.....

In the moment of accessing the archive explorer the following is appear:

"The page must be viewed over a secure channel

The page you are trying to access is secured with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). "

Do you have any solutions or advises with this action.

It is so urgent for me..

Thanks a lot in advance
  • First thing first, if its urgent, open a case.
    Secondly if you're on EV8 and you checked the box on the site properties to use HTTPS, then you have to synchronize the users (and have them restart outlook) and run restoreshortcutbody to fix the URL links with in the messages themselves.

    403 forbidden tends to be when the IIS website is using a white list to allow only specific IP addresses to connect to it.
    You also may have gotten the /EnterpriseVault virtual directory set up or the default website even to only allow https communication

    so you can do one of the following

    1. Check in the IIS properties of the default website that you haven't set it to require HTTPS or removed HTTP port
        - right click the default website, go to the properties and on the website page, make sure TCP Port 80 is in the TCP Port

    2. Check the IP Address allow list
        - In IIS right click Default Website, go to Properties and then go to the Directory Security tab, then click the middle "Edit" button under IP Address or domain name restrictions. Ensure that Granted Access is checked with the exception list being blank

    3. If all else fails, go to IIS, right click "EnterpriseVault" virtual directory, click delete and remove the virtual directory
        After this go to Start -> run -> type "cmd" and press Enter, then type "cd \Program Files\Enterprise Vault" and press Enter , then type "cscript WebApp.vbs" and press Enter, then after this try again

2 Replies

  • First thing first, if its urgent, open a case.
    Secondly if you're on EV8 and you checked the box on the site properties to use HTTPS, then you have to synchronize the users (and have them restart outlook) and run restoreshortcutbody to fix the URL links with in the messages themselves.

    403 forbidden tends to be when the IIS website is using a white list to allow only specific IP addresses to connect to it.
    You also may have gotten the /EnterpriseVault virtual directory set up or the default website even to only allow https communication

    so you can do one of the following

    1. Check in the IIS properties of the default website that you haven't set it to require HTTPS or removed HTTP port
        - right click the default website, go to the properties and on the website page, make sure TCP Port 80 is in the TCP Port

    2. Check the IP Address allow list
        - In IIS right click Default Website, go to Properties and then go to the Directory Security tab, then click the middle "Edit" button under IP Address or domain name restrictions. Ensure that Granted Access is checked with the exception list being blank

    3. If all else fails, go to IIS, right click "EnterpriseVault" virtual directory, click delete and remove the virtual directory
        After this go to Start -> run -> type "cmd" and press Enter, then type "cd \Program Files\Enterprise Vault" and press Enter , then type "cscript WebApp.vbs" and press Enter, then after this try again
  • Thanks for attention,

    This issue has been resolved,... the problem was in IIS of EV Server.

    I have unchecked the "Require secure channel (SSL)" from Enterprise Vault directory properties and everything was resolved.
    The shortcuts now open without problems and all URL's work perfectly.

    Thanks a lot,