Forum Discussion

Dietmar_Deeg's avatar
16 years ago

Problems with valkyrie.dll and Outlook2003

Hello all,


i have problems with a client-computer after installing the EV OutlookAddIn (2007SP3).

After start, outlook brings a message, that a problem with valkyrie.dll occures and asks me to deactivate the dll.

If i choose disactivating, Outlook starts normaly, but EV does not work. Choosing not to disactivate, Outlook hangs. I tried to re-register the dll. No success.

Any ideas?




  • ResetEVClient is only if you have the Full Client installed and it does not guarantee the problem will disappear like canrojiv suggests.

    ResetEVClient Does the following:
    unregisters valkyrie.dll
    Deletes Temp IE files
    Deletes exend.dat
    Deletes formscache.dat
    re egisters valkyrie.dll

    So if you don’t want to lose your IE cache and temp files be warned this will zap all that for you

6 Replies

  • What sp of Outlook are you using?
    Message Edited by Tony Sterling on 09-19-2008 08:29 AM
  • There are couple of technote available on symantec support website. Try those solutions.

    BTW, do you have ESM installed on the same desktop?

  • Sorry to hijack your thread but we are having the exact same issue.  We are using Outlook 2003 SP3.  On windows 2003 server.  (citrix / terminal server environment) with all the latest Microsoft updates ESM is not installed.  When Outlook is launched it fails to start.  If you look at the error report the fault is with outlook.exe Appver 11.0.8206.0 and the ModName is ntdll.dll Modver 5.2.3790.3959.  If you click ok to continue, it says something on the lines of outlook failed to start due to a fault with the addin valkyrie.dll.   Do you want to disable the addin. 


    You click yes to disable the addin.   and outlook starts successfully.   If you then click help and about in outlook and then enable the addin and in restart outlook all is ok. 


    It does not happen everytime but sporadically happens for different users everyday.   The version of the addin that we are using is Enterprise Vault 2007 (


    All the technote articles refer to ESM being installed or are not related. Also outlook 2003 is NOT running in cached mode.

  • My situation wasn't exactly like yours, but I'll share what worked for us just in case...


    On our systems we were having issues with disparate versions of the MAPI32.DLL file, which was causing the valkyrie.dll to error out.  (This is very common with the ESM, though you said the ESM is not present on your system.)


     Check the version of your MAPI32.DLL files against the version from your most current installation media and / or service pack.  The places to look, in my preferred order of precedence, are:


    %PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Office\Office##\MAPI32.DLL%PROGRAMFILES%\Common Files\System\MSMAPI\1033\MSMAPI32.DLL%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\MAPI32.DLL



    Office should prefer the versions under %PROGRAMFILES% over the one in the System32 folder, but it doesn't hurt check each one.  Once I updated the DLL's in the program files locations, Outlook started behaving with the EV Add-In.


    Also, when I went to extract MAPI32.DLL from the Office media, I could not find it.  After some digging around I was advised to grab MSMAPI32.DLL and then extract and rename it appropriately.


  • Simply run c:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault\EVClient\ResetEVClient.exe (you must have installed EVClient 2007 SP4 or above) and the problem will dissapear.

    Iván Cañizares

  • ResetEVClient is only if you have the Full Client installed and it does not guarantee the problem will disappear like canrojiv suggests.

    ResetEVClient Does the following:
    unregisters valkyrie.dll
    Deletes Temp IE files
    Deletes exend.dat
    Deletes formscache.dat
    re egisters valkyrie.dll

    So if you don’t want to lose your IE cache and temp files be warned this will zap all that for you