Forum Discussion

OldEmployee's avatar
7 years ago

Retrieving archive size for multiple users

I need to retrieve the size of current archive for around 360 users. I understand that usage.asp can be used for this, but the users are on random vault stores and going through all of them individu...
  • GertjanA's avatar
    7 years ago


    Something like this. In the A.ArchiveName = 'User', you add all users you need, then run the query against each database. You will need to change EVVaultStore1 in the 3 lines for each vault store you need. If an A.ArchiveName is not in the database, it won't be listed. Put everything in Excel, then see if you have them all.

    SELECT A.ArchiveName "Archive Name",
           COUNT(S.IdTransaction) AS ArchivedItemCount,
           SUM(S.ItemSize)/1024 "Compressed Size (MB)",
           SUM(SP.OriginalSize)/1024/1024 "Uncompressed Size (MB)"
    FROM   EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.Archive A,
           EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.Root R,
           EVVaultStore1.dbo.ArchivePoint AP,
           EVVaultStore1.dbo.Saveset S,
           EVVaultStore1.dbo.SavesetProperty SP
    WHERE  A.RootIdentity = R.RootIdentity
      AND  R.VaultEntryId = AP.ArchivePointId
      AND  AP.ArchivePointIdentity = S.ArchivePointIdentity
      AND  S.SavesetIdentity = SP.SavesetIdentity
      AND (A.ArchiveName = 'User1'
     OR A.ArchiveName = 'User2'
     OR A.ArchiveName = 'User3')
    GROUP BY A.ArchiveName
    ORDER BY A.ArchiveName

  • ChrisLangevin's avatar
    7 years ago

    Because you have so many Vault Stores, it's going to be a pain to do this via SQL. Luckily, the EV Content Management API makes this super easy with its Archives collection. Just do this in PowerShell on your EV server:

    $cmapi = New-Object -ComObject EnterpriseVault.ContentManagementAPI
    $as = $cmapi.Archives
    $as.Computer = "localhost"


    Easy as that, now you have the most salient properties of every archive in your whole site stored in that $as variable, and you can manipulate them the same as any other PowerShell object.


    Make a nice table:

    $as | Format-Table Name, Id, ItemCount, Size


    You say you have only a specific subset of archives you care about. You can filter that out with PS too:

    $as | Where-Object {$_.Name -in (Get-Content "C:\temp\ArchivesICareAbout.txt")} | Format-Table Name, Id, ItemCount, Size


    The Size property reports in KB. If you want other denominations, you can do the division in some custom columns:

    $as | Where-Object {$_.Name -in (Get-Content "C:\temp\archivelist.txt")} | Format-Table Name, Id, ItemCount, @{n="Size (KB)";e={$_.Size}}, @{n="Size (MB)";e={$_.Size / 1024}}, @{n="Size (GB)";e={$_.Size / 1024 /1024}}


    Output looks like this:

    Output can also be exported to Excel by piping to the Export-Csv cmdlet.

    If it's a requirement that you use SQL, do it Gertjan's way, but if you just want the data, then this is easier.

