Forum Discussion

Zenworks2001's avatar
13 years ago

Scheduled provisioning task not running


I would like to know how can I monitor scheduled provisioning task. Running doesn't work anymore and no apparent change.

Manual prov is Ok. Vault version is 9.0.2.





  • you could always just run a dtrace on EVExchangePolicySyncTask and wait for the schedule to come up and see what it does?

    This happens from time to time but is pretty rare, usually most people just delete and recreate the task and it works again.

8 Replies

  • you could always just run a dtrace on EVExchangePolicySyncTask and wait for the schedule to come up and see what it does?

    This happens from time to time but is pretty rare, usually most people just delete and recreate the task and it works again.

  • How do you know it's not running anymore? Whenever the provisioning tasks run it will create a report in the \reports\provisioning\ directory.

  • please have a check in the report folder under EV installation directory. If its running then there will be a report generated for each run. If you dont see any reports then please run the task manually in report mode/normal mode and monitor whether report is getting generated or not.

  • Hi all,

    Jw:I've run a dtrace with process you mention but no relavant information. I suppose it's normal as prov task from schedule doesn't work.

    JC: Prov task is scheduled for 0am and 12pm. Event 41102/41104 are not present at these time and consequently report is not generated.

    Ameen: Report is generated correctly when done manually.

    Goal of this post is to understand why this issue occurs and avoid deleting prov task (what's the impact in case of Prov task deletion)





  • Just to be sure: All EV services are up and running ?

    If so, I would suggest to restart the "Enterprise Vault Admin Service". This will restart all EV services.

  • Hi Z.

    I confirm: EV services are up and running.

    I'll say it's the second time it occurs in 6 months: Prov task runs and one day it stops. We've stopped/started EV services and Prov tasks runned again. May be we need to delete/recreate Prov task to resolve this issue. I don't know.

    Note: we stop/start tasks on a daily basis to reset/clear MAPI resources as indicated here:




  • Yes, you should delete the Provisioning task and re-create it, that would be your next step.

  • Hi,

    We've finally deleted/recreated prov task + reboot and it's Ok.

    Many tx for your response.
