Forum Discussion

SKTAG's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

Search all archives for specific content?

I have been asked to search the archvies for specific content - what is the easiest way to do this (we do not have Discovery Accelerator installed)


EV 10.0.4

Exchange 2010

  • By far the easiest way is to use Discovery Accelerator.

    Which you said you don't have.

    So, you'll have to give your Vault Service Account permission to ALL archives (you can use EVPM to do that) and then you can use the Search.asp page.

    On that page you'll see the option to search All Vault.


7 Replies

  • How many archives do you have?  Also, do you have a journal archive?

    The webapp search isn't designed for a large scale search but it might be your only choice if you don't have DA so you would need to break the search down to a small number of archives at a time.

    You would need to grant an account permission to search all archives, you can do this via EVPM.  If this is a one off thing and you have lots of time it might get you through but if this is going to be an ongoing thing you need to get DA or Clearwell.

  • By far the easiest way is to use Discovery Accelerator.

    Which you said you don't have.

    So, you'll have to give your Vault Service Account permission to ALL archives (you can use EVPM to do that) and then you can use the Search.asp page.

    On that page you'll see the option to search All Vault.


  • Thank you - for this one, I'll have to use the search.asp page, and perhaps look into installing Discovery Accelerator, as I think this will come up more and more.


    You mention using EVPM to grant access to the archives (I would like to use the EV Service account to do this) - I haven't used EVPM, can you provide some guidance on how to do this?

  • SKTAG, EVPM is nicely described in the Utilities Guide.

    This might also point you in the right direction:


  • So, my question now turns to EVPM :)


    If I run evpm -f "C:\permissions.ini"


    Why does it request an Exchange Server name, as I am not running anything on the Exchange server, but want to add permissions to the EV Arvchives?

  • You know that, EVPM doesn't.

    They're just standard parameters.  You need to specify an Exchange Server, and a system mailbox.