Forum Discussion

Yobo's avatar
Level 5
15 years ago

Search attachment in EV and Discovery Acclerator


I have a customer who has purchase EV 8.0 and also DA.

If the EV8.0 Outlook add-in  can search for email and attachment,  how does discovery acclerator helps in this case since a DA Client need to installed.   The user are not sharing email for each archive and also note that journaling has been in place.

Anyone can shed some light on how does this DA helps this customer. This customer is not a law firm.

I have also read the DA Guide and found that for each customer,  a new database need to be created. Thus, if there is 100 customer, 100 database need to be created?

  • Yobo,
    No offense but you really need to get some EV training if you want to be successful installing or supporting the product.

    The Integrated Search is installed with the product.  When users click the search button in Outlook it opens the Integrated Search in Outlook, unless the Desktop Policy has been changed to make it launch in an Internet Explorer window.

8 Replies

  • DA is an Enterprise Search application that allows Legail reviewrs or Information Security investigators to be able to search ALL archives for the purpose of Litigation response or Investigation.  Is NOT meant to be used as a tool to help an end user find an email in their archive, that is what the Integrated Search or WebApp Search is for.

    DA would be used by only certain people to find relevant items and if necessary place them on Legal Hold.

    Read the first section of the DA reviewers guide included with the client install as it gives an overview of DA and what it is.

    You really should know this if you are installing EV and DA for clients.
  • In DA you dont need to create a database for each customer if the customer is an internal resource

    The customer databases can be split up but if it is for one internal customer there is no need to devide the databases.

    If you can provide more information on the business (leaving out names and so on) maybe we would have a better understanding of what you are planning to achieve. With this we can give you better direction on how to use the system

  • Doing business like timber import and export.

    When should a customer databse be created.

    How does one access the customdian website. 

    http://server1\customdiawebsite ( when will this website appear - after creating customer databases)?

    Pls explain further on I   ntegrated Search or WebApp Search is for?

    Is there any step by steps documents on how this can be implement. I have tested it how to setup EV and DA but can't figure out how DA fits in this envrionment.  Can send the document if you have to

    Note - I have read the reviewer, installing and configuring guide. If some can send me your masterpice document on DA would be grealty apprecaited.

    The EVadmin has access to journal archive and how is DA helpful in this case.


  • My guess is that you only need one customer database
    Would I be right that you use DA to search when one of your customers takes legal action against you?

    To access the custodian database you need to install custodian manager then create the custodian database. Finally you connect to the custodian manager via http://server1/customdiawebsite 

    integrated search is designed foe end users to search for their email and files

    DA is designed as a litigation e-discovery tool. In DA you create cases, search for items pertaining to the case in question and add the results of the searches to the case. Then it allows you to perform review of the items discovered in the searches and also put the items on "Legal Hold"

    Legal Hold is when you mark the items on EV as being on Legal Hold so they cant be deleted either by a user or storage expiry. It ensures that you keep the data as long as legally necessary or as long as you have the case open. (this is to be decided by your legal team as to when to take a case off hold.

    Other than searching the integrated search cant do any of this. it is just a search engine that's all

    Symantec it working on a DOC called " Discovery Accelerator 8 - Effective Searching White-paper" I don't believe this is in final release yet but I know it is soon to be released. This doc will provide you with samples on how to perform searching efficiently.

    Contact your Symantec Rep to see if they can get you a copy. It is very comprehensive

  • Hi,

    Can you send to me at on the article.

    By the way, how do I installed a custodian manager?

    Does DA normally implement in law firm?

    Finally,  why does create customer database exists in the first place? Is this to sort out the email based on customer?

    Thanks for your patience and guidance.

    Appreciate it.
  • Hi,

    Thanks for your patience
    How do I installed "Integrated Search"?



  • Custodian manager is installed during the setup of DA. It is an option you select during the install.

    If you have not already installed it you can rerun the setup and select the Custodian Manager option to be installed
    After you finish the install you need to open EVBAADmin and setup a new database just like DA but this time you select Custodian Manager
    Once that's done you can access the Custodian manager via a web interface (see the admin guide for details)

    DA is not normally used in Law Firms as they have other litigation research tools they use to analyze the data like Concordance made by Lexis-Nexis

    DA is used by firms who need to perform detailed targeted searches on a compan electronic data stored in Enterprise Vault for the purpose  of presenting this data to outside council or court during litigation.

    The option to create customer databases has many reasons behind it. One would be if different people needed access to different case loads like different parts of the law. Commercial law, Intellectual property, Environmental all these can be separated into different customer databases. Also if you were archiving as a service to many customers you can then separate who has access to what data stored. There are more but I'm sure you can come up with a few ideas

    I cant send the doc as it has no been released by Symantec. Maybe if anyone of the Symantec Employees know of the doc and know when it will be released they can post a comment here but it should be soon as I heard it was in the final stages of review

  • Yobo,
    No offense but you really need to get some EV training if you want to be successful installing or supporting the product.

    The Integrated Search is installed with the product.  When users click the search button in Outlook it opens the Integrated Search in Outlook, unless the Desktop Policy has been changed to make it launch in an Internet Explorer window.