Forum Discussion

Marcde's avatar
6 years ago

SearchFolderManager.exe Error 8004011d

Hi everyone, 

we are facing the mentioned error in one environment. Outlook 2013 installed on the server. Mailboxes on 2016 CU9. It does not matter if we execute it manually or with the powershell script. Tested for different mailboxes, all failing with Error 8004011d. Using a elevated command prompt and logged in as the VSA. The VSA does have full access to the mailboxes in question. No additional event in event logging. Archiving is working without any issues.


{CEVMAPILieModeLock::ReleaseNonExclusiveLock:#101} Released lock.

{HrMAPIOpenMsgStoreKvs:#59} Opened msg store [0x8004011d]

{CMailboxHelper::OpenMailbox:#324} Could not open message store: [0x8004011d]



RPC Client Access Log: 

client-software: SearchFolderManager.exe

operation: OwnerLogon

rpc-status: -2147221231 (rop::LogonFailed)

failures: RopHandler: Logon: [ConnectionFailedTransientException] Cannot open mailbox <MailboxDN>. -> [MapiExceptionLogonFailed] Unable to open message store. (hr=0x80040111, ec=-2147221231)  [diag::...


 Any idea what else to check?


Thanks and kind regards



  • Marcde's avatar
    6 years ago

    Shame on me for not verifying this earlier but the VSA was a member of the Exchange Organization Administrators group. After removing it we can execute searchfoldermanager for all mailboxes without an issue so far.

    Interestingly we had much more issues with archiving itself in other environments when the VSA was a member of the group and as archiving was pretty fine in this environment I did not think about that.

    StepMonty, maybe something you could verify as well? 

    Anyway thank you both for the hints.




27 Replies

  • Hi Marc,

    So the error 8004011d is purely a MAPI error which translates to MAPI_E_FAILONEPROVIDER and the RPC log is slightlhy different at 80040111 which is MAPI_E_LOGON_FAILED:-

    So from what you state I assume you are running SearchFolderManager.exe tool manually for whatever reason as documented here:-

    Please correct me if my understanding is incorrect.

    So the first thing I would like to do is take this particular tool iut of the equation. You have stated that you have tried different mailboxes and get the same issue so I am going to assume this happens to all mailboxes.

    For these same mailboxes are you able to perform a sync from the archiving task? I just want to see if that works as if it does then the question is what is this particular tool doing different to the archive task? If the archiving task does not work we then know we have a generic MAPI communication issue with these mailboxes.





    • StepMonty's avatar
      Level 3

      I'm having the same issue with one mailbox also on Exchange 2016 CU9.  The archiving task can access the mailbox OK, but when it gets to the sent items it throws the 3492 error - There are over 80K messages in the Sent Items folder of this mailbox.

      However, when logged onto the EV server as the Vault Service account, then run the SearchFolderManager command from an elevated command prompt, I get the error;

      Error 8004011d

      The fact that the archiving task still archives items from the mailbox OK (but fails once it gets to Sent Items) indicates that EV does not have any connectivity issues.  More that the SearchFolderManager.exe executable isn't connecting properly for Exchange 2016?

      • PaulGrimshaw's avatar
        Level 4

        StepMonty thanks for that information. Let me try a repro which will take a while to generate 80k mails and get an exchange 2016 CU9 system.