Forum Discussion

dsmith1954's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

Storage Expiry Reporting

We started expiring emails from Enterprise Vault about a month ago. I've been trying to find out how many emails are left to delete. We have EV 9.01 on Server 2008 R2.

We've deleted a little over 6.5 million emails. The Vault Store Usage Summary report says there are 16 million emails remaining in EV. I'd like to know how many of those are over the time period for deletion. When I run the Storage Expiry report in the Vault Admin console in report mode, it shows only a few emails to be deleted.


Storage Expiry Report (Report Mode)

Vault Store Name: Vault Store name

Vault Store Id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxEvault

Number of vaults processed: 1xxx

Number of vaults enabled for expiry: 1xxx

Total number of expired items: 16


The queries on this page show over 3 million should be deleted if ran using the modified date, 2.8 million if using the archived date (I updated these queries for v9).


Which is correct? When I look at the query from the page above, I can see that there are old messages left to be deleted. When I check out the hard drive, I can see the folders named by year, and some of the older folders still have messages from early 2012 and older. We have set expiry to 2 years.


Is there another query or report I can run to get an accurate picture of how many messages are left to delete?

  • i believe the event log is reporting how many items it expired during the alloted window. maybe increase your expiry schedule and make sure that the window doesnt overlap with other processes that are running?

5 Replies

  • the modified date vs archived data numbers depend on how your retention categories are configured and what your expiry option is set to. to answer your other question, you may sill see old files remaining due to single instancing but if the message was expired, it's records are deleted from the index and sql - leaving only the SIS part which may have a reference to a different item.

  • Just thinking it through... It makes a little bit of sense about the SIS, but if Event Log report says only a few hundred, and the queries referenced suggest 2.8 to 3 million, which is correct?

    Our Retention Categories are set to delete based upon modified date. This should mean, based upon the queries, that there should be 3 million messages available for deletion. I would think that SIS wouldn't come into play here, because all of those messages should have the same modified date. But maybe I don't understand SIS well enough to make that assumption.

    Do you know of any query/report that would give an accurate representation of what remains to be deleted?

  • the reports from the blog post you're using should be accurate. i was trying to explain why you might still see files on disk.

  • Got it.

    Do you happen to know why the Event log report would be so different from the blog post queries?

    I can see a difference of a few hundred, maybe even a few thousand, but 3 million?

  • i believe the event log is reporting how many items it expired during the alloted window. maybe increase your expiry schedule and make sure that the window doesnt overlap with other processes that are running?