Storage Queue files disappearing
Had some strange situations in the past with some customers.
They all had problems with the VSA not longer beeing able to access storage queue files or the storage queue location until they did a restart of the server. Problem was that we were never able to check the situation before the customer restarted the ev-server.
After the restart alle storage queue files in question were missing.
So now I had a customer where I was able to see storage queue files disappearing. We were checking the relevant storagequeuebatch sql-table for some IDs. At this time some of the IDs were in this table and also als the file was available in the file location. After a few minutes we saw event 29060,29010 and 29059 occur stating that ev is not able to access the storage queue files and that we have to repair them with the help of evsvr.
After that the entry for this storage queue file in the sql-table as well as the file in the storage queue location was missing.
Customer uses Trendmicro Antivirus. compatibility is pending. deactivating does not change the behavior. exclusions are set.
Its strange - Is EV deleting this files by itself?
Could there be anything letting EV rollback and delete the storage queue files?
Event 29060 and 29010 threw some specific transaction IDs. I took one of these IDs and checked some tables for it. There is no entry in the saveset table but an entry in the journalarchive table.
idPartition = -1 (Never ingested to storage)
Indexcommited and backupcomplete = 0
RecordCreationDate = this morning
EV 11.0.1 CHF4. EMC Centera as partition. Safetycopy set to "yes, in the original location"
Would appreciate any idea or comment on this.