Forum Discussion

John_Santana's avatar
10 years ago

Symantec EV 10 licensing change from EV 9 ?

Hi People,

Can anyone here please explains to me what is the proper way to count the license required for EV 10 ?

My understanding is that it uses the total active mailbox on my Exchange Server with the active AD user account determines the total amount of EV 10 Exchange license needed, not the previously archived mailbox in EV.

here's the example for my case:

Company size: 850 user
Exchange Mailbox total count: 1257 (including shared mailboxes and meeting rooms)
EV9 archived mailbox count: 2933 mailbox vaults.


so do I just need to get 850 licenses of EV v10 to cover the usage ?

  • EV licensing for mailbox archiving has always been based on actual live users, not mailbox count. it's the same for 10 still so in your case if you have 850 employees that will be using the system you need 850 licenses. the rest of the details are important for design and sizing and whatnot but they dont apply to licensing.

  • Hi John,

    Fore more details, you can check this licensing guide available on partnernet:

    But to be honest your best bet would be to talk to sales as you can get better information based on your environment, how much you're looking to archive etc.




  • Hi John,

    Indeed, starting with EV 11, FSA per-user licensing has been discontinued and has been replaced by new EV Archiving capacity meter tier bundle (1, 5, 25 and 100 TB options available) which includes FSA, SharePoint and SMTP Archiving features and, in addition, enabled the new IMAP Access feature.

    Hope this helps.


  • john, looks likr virgil unknowingly linked you to a document that is restricted to partners only so you cant access it directly but the content is accurate to what he posted for you. however, i would recommend discussing your needs with your symantec rep and seeing what creative options they might be able to come up for you.

9 Replies

  • You're welocome, John. Please mark the most relevant post as a solution.

    Thanks, Virgil.

  • john, looks likr virgil unknowingly linked you to a document that is restricted to partners only so you cant access it directly but the content is accurate to what he posted for you. however, i would recommend discussing your needs with your symantec rep and seeing what creative options they might be able to come up for you.

  • Virgil,

    Thanks for the link, however, I cannot access the article / file because I do not have the login to partnerNet.

    can you post the content here instead ?

  • Hi John,

    Indeed, starting with EV 11, FSA per-user licensing has been discontinued and has been replaced by new EV Archiving capacity meter tier bundle (1, 5, 25 and 100 TB options available) which includes FSA, SharePoint and SMTP Archiving features and, in addition, enabled the new IMAP Access feature.

    Hope this helps.


  • Hi John,

    Fore more details, you can check this licensing guide available on partnernet:

    But to be honest your best bet would be to talk to sales as you can get better information based on your environment, how much you're looking to archive etc.




  • Cool, thanks Andrew.

    as for the FSA component, they are based on the actual Raw data capacity on the file server.

    is that correct ?

  • EV licensing for mailbox archiving has always been based on actual live users, not mailbox count. it's the same for 10 still so in your case if you have 850 employees that will be using the system you need 850 licenses. the rest of the details are important for design and sizing and whatnot but they dont apply to licensing.