Forum Discussion

Jakob's avatar
Level 5
11 years ago

Temporary Search Problems in Enterprise Vault for Exchange

Hi together,

we have a strange Search Problem in a new EV surrounding. It´s a new single EV 10.0.4 Server which makes mailbox and journal archiving for an Exchange 2010 surrounding.

Sometimes users can not search for archived elements via Outlook or EV search web sites. They get the error message "Failed to perform search request". While one user get this error message other users can still use the search. It varies which users are affected. Without any known reason the search works later again normaly. All Users working on Citrix Clients. While a user run´s a search there is written an event in the application system log which is attached. The App ID in the error message stands for the DCOM Component "Machine Debug Manager". This error appears also when the search is working normaly.

We can´t find any related application events on the EV Server and in a dtrace log we also didn´t find any errors.

Do you have any ideas what could be the reason for this error or what we can do to analyse this problem?

Thank you


  • A bit of a late reply but if you are still struggling with this I would recommended engaging support.  Seems like there needs to be a bit more of an indepth look into this then what can be done via the forum.

  • HI Jakob,

    I've seen this also, and the only way I found to resolve is to restart the indexing service on the EV server.

  • Hi,

    ok... Thats not realy a solution. It happens nearly every day for other users.

    Kind Regards


  • Jakob, I'll summarize what i gather from your post. - intermittent issue which resolves on its own over time- 1 hour? 6 hours? 24 hours? After a reboot? - when the problem happens it affects some users and NOT all users. - is there a pattern on the user that are affected? What is the status of their index volumes?is it failed ? Are their indexes for example - 32 bit or 64 bit? Do they have larger index volumes? Are they regular or admin users? Common scenarios: - Failed to perform search affecting all users - normally indexing service is stopped or not fully initialized - if it is only affecting some users than its most likely their index volume has a failed status at the time of the search which is what i am suspecting is happening here. EV has a automatic background check done to verify repair/update/sync failed volumes or volumes which have missing items Have you ensured that all index locations are excluded from anti virus? and also check for any disk errors on those drives
  • Hi Merv,


    thank you for the answer. We´re in the pilot-phase at the moment so we don´t have a lot of users activated at the moment.

    The users report that it´s resolved over night.

    It affects NOT all users.

    From the pilot users all have already been affected, they are regular users with.

    We will check the index state next time a user reports the error.

    The Index locations were excluded from virus scanning and we don´t have disk errors. We will analyse if there are I/O issues on the hard drives.

    We´ve installed CHF3 yesterday, there was descriped an error which sounds similar.

    I will report again in the next days.

    Thank you


  • Is the CLS ID same for all the events that we see in Event 10016? You can follow the steps:

    Grant the user permissions to start the COM component. To do this, follow these steps:

    Click Start, click Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then click OK.
    Locate and then click the following registry subkey:
    Note In this subkey, "CLSID value" is a placeholder for the CLSID information that appears in the message.
    In the right pane, double-click AppID.

    The Edit String dialog box appears. Leave this dialog box open and continue to the next step.
    Click Start, click Run, type dcomcnfg in the Open box, and then click OK. 

    If a Windows Security Alert message prompts you to keep blocking the Microsoft Management Console program, click to unblock the program.
    In Component Services, double-click Component Services, double-click Computers, double-click My Computer, and then click DCOM Config.
    In the details pane, locate the program by using the friendly name.

    If the AppGUID identifier is listed instead of the friendly name, locate the program by using this identifier.
    Right-click the program, and then click Properties.
    Click the Security tab.
    In the Launch and Activation Permissions area, click Customize, and then click Edit.
    Click Add, type the user's account name, and then click OK.
    While the user is selected, click to select the Allow check boxes for the following items:
    Local Launch
    Remote Launch
    Local Activation
    Remote Activation
    Click OK two times.
    Quit Registry Editor.

  • Hi together,

    today we experienced the issue again for one of our test users:

    User A tried to open the ArchiveExplorer from Outlook and runs a search with the error "Failed to perform search request". With  User B the search in the ArchiveExplorer from the same Citrix Server was possible .

    The search also didn´t worked when the user starts the Archiveexplorer from IE without Outlook.

    We gave User A read permissions for User B´s Archive and synced the archives. After that User A can open the Archive of User B in the ArchiveExplorer and the search request in this Archive runs normaly. Search in the Archive of User A was still not possible.

    After manualy archive a new mail the search was possible again.

    While the search was not possible the index Volumes Browser and the appliccation Event logs didn´t show any errors.



  • A bit of a late reply but if you are still struggling with this I would recommended engaging support.  Seems like there needs to be a bit more of an indepth look into this then what can be done via the forum.