Temporary Search Problems in Enterprise Vault for Exchange
Hi together,
we have a strange Search Problem in a new EV surrounding. It´s a new single EV 10.0.4 Server which makes mailbox and journal archiving for an Exchange 2010 surrounding.
Sometimes users can not search for archived elements via Outlook or EV search web sites. They get the error message "Failed to perform search request". While one user get this error message other users can still use the search. It varies which users are affected. Without any known reason the search works later again normaly. All Users working on Citrix Clients. While a user run´s a search there is written an event in the application system log which is attached. The App ID in the error message stands for the DCOM Component "Machine Debug Manager". This error appears also when the search is working normaly.
We can´t find any related application events on the EV Server and in a dtrace log we also didn´t find any errors.
Do you have any ideas what could be the reason for this error or what we can do to analyse this problem?
Thank you
A bit of a late reply but if you are still struggling with this I would recommended engaging support. Seems like there needs to be a bit more of an indepth look into this then what can be done via the forum.