Forum Discussion

EVKydd's avatar
Level 4
9 years ago

Throttling In Exchange 2013

EV 10.0.4 HF3

Mixed environment Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2013

OS: windows server 2012 enterprise R2


I'm trying to move journaling over to new Exchange2013 databases/journaling mailboxes running on dedicated servers. Whenever I make the journalrecipient switch messages start to backup in the delivery queues stating the thread limit has been exceeded. I've tried putting the following keys on the EdgeTransport.exe.config but no dice. I've also made sure the throttling policy applied to the EV system mailbox was set properly.

<add key=”RecipientThreadLimit” value=”2″ />
<add key=”MaxMailboxDeliveryPerMdbConnections” value=”3″ />

I don't have this issue while running on the Exchange 2010 databases/jailboxes, has anyone ran into this throttling issue before?  

13 Replies

  • So Microsoft came back and said there are 3 things that have to be done and the values set will vary depending on each environment. Here is what we are testing. (You should consult Microsoft to get the values appropriate for your environmenmt.) I will post findings after testing.


    Add the following keys to the msexchangedelivery.exe.config and edgetransport.exe.config:

         <add key="RecipientThreadLimit" value="3"/>

         <add key="MaxMailboxDeliveryPerMdbConnections" value="8"/>

    You can choose values based on situation but RecipientThreadLimit should always be at least one fewer than MaxMailboxDeliveryPerMdbConnections.

    On the journal hub transport servers:

         set-MailboxTransportService -MaxConcurrentMailboxDeliveries 100

         set-TransportService -MaxConcurrentMailboxDeliveries 100

    After changing the values restart the Transport Delviery Service.

  • Did you ever get this working any better?



    Not sure if this applies to EV10 but the below is from the the EV11.0.1 CHF4 readme, is your target domain defined as an FQDN?

    Defining an Exchange target domain using the domain flat name caused poor performance for Exchange 2013 archiving [3801638]

    In the Administration Console, if you defined an Exchange target domain using only its domain flat name, this caused poor performance for archiving from Exchange 2013 servers. This was most apparent in Exchange journal archiving. For example, if you defined the target domain as exchdom rather than exchdom.local, for connections to an Exchange 2013 server called exchsrv, the Exchange archiving agents tried to use exchsrv.exchdom as the server's FQDN, rather than exchsrv.exchdom.local. This caused delays in name resolution which caused poor archiving performance.

    This has been fixed. Enterprise Vault now attempts to determine the correct fully qualified domain name for the Exchange 2013 server during the configuration of MAPI profiles.

  • Microsoft and Veritas came back and said there is a known bug between EV10 and Exchange 2013. Why this isn't in a whitepaper I dont know... MS made a change in how mailboxes handle search folders which are leveraged by EV and ultimatley overruns the mailbox. We will be moving to EV11 CHF4 after the first of the year. I will post back if the issue gets fixed.