Unable to delete journal archive - Disoovery Accelerator
When I attempt to delete a journal archive, I receive the following:
Archive 'JOURNAL NAME' has been moved and cannot be deleted because it is currently being used by the following applications:
Discovery Accelerator: COMPANY NAME
I did some digging to find out what cases may be using the journal and found the following script.
SELECT DISTINCT tc.[Name] FROM tblCase tc
JOIN tblIntDiscoveredItems tidi ON tidi.CaseID = tc.CaseID
JOIN tblVaults tv ON tv.VaultID = tidi.VaultID
WHERE tv.KVSVaultEntryID = Vid
SELECT DISTINCT tc.[Name] FROM tblCase tc
JOIN tblSearchItems tsi ON tsi.CaseID = tc.CaseID
JOIN tblVaults tv ON tv.VaultID = tsi.VaultID
WHERE tv.KVSVaultEntryID = Vid
The query returns results, but many of the cases are not visible in the list of cases.
Is this a database issue that needs to be addressed?
I opened a support case and was able to have the problem resolved.