Forum Discussion

burtos's avatar
Level 5
14 years ago

Unable to manually store in vault from outlook 2007

I have just noticed that i cant manually vault an email as its returnign the following error message

Could not process the selected items.

Reason: Enterprise Vault is currently unavailable. Try again later


Not sure when this started happening as ive been off the previous week, but was working before that, also i can retrive an archived email from the vault wthout any problems.  This also seems to occur on a few pc's / laptops i have looked at.


  • Well i think i may of resolved the issue, looking back through the logs to see when these errors occurred, i noticed they started after i upgraded the office software to office 2007 from 2003, and noticed an error saying that teh outlook version was incompatable, so removed the 2007 version and reinstalled the 2003 version and restarted the server and the services and tasks seem to be running ok, and no more errors as above .

    Also the original problem i had in trying to manually archive emails is now working.

8 Replies

  • Hello Burtos

    Is Enterprise Vault available?

    Can you use Archive Explorer / Search safe succesfully?

    Can you retrieve an item?

    If yes, check the vaultserver(s) to see if they are not in backup mode (8.0) or registrykeys that prevent writing (backup mode pre 8.0)

    Also check to see if all the services are running, especially storage and indexing.

    Any changes on the network being done in the week you are off. Any other users having problems?


  • I can access archive explorer and retrieve an item

    All services are running

    Vault is not in backup mode

    Just checked the event log and getting this error on there

    Event Type: Error
    Event Source: Enterprise Vault
    Event Category: Archive Task
    Event ID: 3410
    Date:  12/10/2010
    Time:  11:59:49
    User:  N/A
    Computer: WCE-EV01
    The task failed to log on to the Exchange Server.

    The task is running as a Windows user that is a member of the 'domain admins' group. Remove the user from this group to ensure that the task has sufficient access to the Exchange Server.
    Task: Exchange Mailbox Archiving Task for DomainName-MX02
    Exchange Server: Domainname-MX02
    Windows user: DomainName\vaultservice
    For more information, see Help and Support Center at
    What groups does the vaultservice user have to be a memeber of to have sufficient access to exchange.

  • Hello Buros,

    Installing and Configuring manual, page 61 to 64

    Make sure the account is NOT member of Domain Admins, as they have an explicit deny on mailbox access

  • I have removed the user from teh domain admins grp, waited a while and have restarted the tasks and services and now get this error. the previous error 3410 seems to of stopped now. 

    Event Type: Error
    Event Source: Enterprise Vault
    Event Category: Archive Task
    Event ID: 3305
    Date:  12/10/2010
    Time:  13:27:05
    User:  N/A
    Computer: Serer Name

    The Task 'Exchange Mailbox Archiving Task for ServerName failed to log on to Exchange server 'ServerName' using mailbox 'SMTP:evuser@DomainName. Please ensure the mailbox has not been hidden, that the server is running and that the Vault account has sufficient permissions on the server.  

    Th mailbox is not hidden, so i presume its probably permissions related.

  • yeah, it sounds like you need to give EV the full send as/receive as permissions on the exchange site itself


    Best thing to do to verify permissions is log on to the EV Server as the EV Admin, create a new profile to connect to an EV System mailbox (not the evadmin mailbox) and see if it lets you log in, if it asks for username/password then this means the send as/receive as permissions have not been set


    Is this an Exchange 2007 or Exchange 2003 set up?
    If you have Blackberry Enterprise Servers installed btw, you would set up the EVAdmin to have the exact same permissions as the BESAdmin

  • It has exactly listed what is needed:


    Installing and Configuring manual, page 61 to 64

  • Well i think i may of resolved the issue, looking back through the logs to see when these errors occurred, i noticed they started after i upgraded the office software to office 2007 from 2003, and noticed an error saying that teh outlook version was incompatable, so removed the 2007 version and reinstalled the 2003 version and restarted the server and the services and tasks seem to be running ok, and no more errors as above .

    Also the original problem i had in trying to manually archive emails is now working.