Unable to restore many items using EV Outlook Addin
I restored a number of mails archived in the EV using the EV Outlook Addin. However, the mails were not restored, and have been in the same status for the last 1 week. When I open the mail, I get the status "The item is being restored by Enterprise Vault".
When I try to select the mail and click on the "Restore from Vault" icon, I get the message "Unable to restore because you have not selected any archived items. Select at least one archived item and try again".
Now apart from the mails which I had originally seleced for restore, if I try to restore any newly archived mail, it also goes into the same status. So, restore is basically stuck.
I have tried creating a new outlook profile and then trying to restore, but the result is the same as above.
Request your urgent help here.
Hello Gabe,
Thanks for your response. I've performed the "Cancel Operation" from outlook and have tried restoring a few items. It is working.
Thanks for your help.