Forum Discussion

jroe's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

VALKYRIE.DLL crashes outlook 2007 tried several fixes

outlook.exe continues to crash. machine was missing search 4.0 which I added and was on office sp2 which I upgraded to sp3.   ran ResetEVClient.exe several times manually unregistered/reregiste...
  • jroe's avatar
    12 years ago

    It was the log file itself. I turned off the errors to "errors only" and it stopped crashing.


    Side Issue 1: if they have a sharepoint list mailbox  (same issue that causes to load in outlook) right click and close this box)

    -this normally appears in the bottom left area of their outlook folder list of mailboxes (right click and close)


    Main Issue 2: Change logging from minimum or maximum to “errors only”

    Outlook 2007: Ctrl+shift > select the vault icon to bring up the menu > change to errors only > ok

    1. enable the plugin first in tools > trust center > addons
    1. select the disabled plugin and enable it. close outlook
    1. regedit (or go to c:\windows\system32 and right click and run with you’re a# account regedt32.exe)
    1. change the LoggingLeveL dword registry setting to 0
    2. hkey_current_user\software\kvs\enterprise vault\client
    3. relaunch outlook
    1. make sure the plugin for enterprise vault is enabled
    1. make sure their personal folders are mapped if needed. Otherwise the vault will find them and trickle them back in to the vault.