Forum Discussion

TheArchiveMan's avatar
12 years ago

Vault Partition Size

Just wanted to find out what your average size for your Partition Sizes are. We need to back it up so we don't want to go to a 1 Tb size. We were looking at 200 Gb or 500 Gb per partition but wanted to get a feeling of what you think.

  • Figures will vary from implementation to implementation ... I've heard numbers like 500 Gb being good. A customer i have seen recently is using 850Gb.


    In the end it's what you can comfortably backup in a reasonable length of time.  So if you have mega fast snapshot based technology then larger partition sizes are always possible.

  • Figures will vary from implementation to implementation ... I've heard numbers like 500 Gb being good. A customer i have seen recently is using 850Gb.


    In the end it's what you can comfortably backup in a reasonable length of time.  So if you have mega fast snapshot based technology then larger partition sizes are always possible.

  • I have seen many customers who are using NetBackup or Backup Exec to backup Open Partion and they keep the open partition size between 250GB and 500GB and some customers even keeping the partition sizes up to 1TB where they have fast storage and good backup solution. 

    In order to improve backup significantly use trigger files instead of Archive bit.

    Also enable collection on Closed partition, customers normally use 10 to 20MB collection size. That way closed partition backup will be much much quicker. Backup software has to backup fewer large cab files instead of lots of small files.

    Hope this helps.