Forum Discussion

BruGuy's avatar
Level 6
12 years ago

Why are messages still queued to be archived?


According to our monitoring system, we archive upto 50K messages every night. However, the same system reports that when our archiving run completes, there are still a couple of thousand messages in the queue waiting to be archived.

Can someone tell me please if that's normal? Otherwise, what are the main reasons for it?

We have about 4,000 users with a 6-hour archiving window. EV904/Exchange 2003.


- Alan.

  • For the 2270's and 6578's, I'd recommend applying ClearFailedMoveUpdate (TECH71905)

    As for the 'Corrupt' messages, that can be related to the maximum number of Recipients being hit by Outlook.  Check the following:
    Maximum Outlook attachments and recipients: AttachmentMax and RecipientMax

    I believe MS lowered the max to 2000 at one point, which can make EV and Outlook consider items 'corrupt' if they go above this.

    I hope this helps.

15 Replies

  • Gonna chime in here.  You have a variety of different errors..  I'll comment on a few of these generally:

    Those top 2270's (Updating moved items in a folder.) and the 6578's are related.  Basically because something during the scan to determine if shortcuts were moved didn't pull the Retention category right (Note the folder retention category: []).

    For these, look at the following:
    During Shortcut Processing to update Moved items, Event Ids 6578 and 2270 occur when 'Archive Exchange Managed Folders' is set to 'Off'
    Exchange Shortcut Processing is incorrectly identifying all mailbox folders as being moved
    Moved shortcuts are not updated correctly during archive task

    For the 3432's, see the following forum post:

    The 6592's, you may want to open a case with Support on.

    Finally, the last events you posted seem pretty self-explanitory due to corrupt or unreadable messages.

    On a side, if a mailbox is over quota, that will affect Synch's as well as archiving, since EV must be able to update exchange objects to change messages class and such.  If Reads and Writes are denied, EV will have issues.

    I hope this helps.

  • Thank you very much indeed Chris.

    - For the 2270 and 6578 errors: I'm not quite clear. We only have the default "Business" retention category in EV and we don't use Managed Folders in Exchange (2003). We did create a "DoNotArchive" top-level folder in most users' mailboxes using EVPM - if users move or rename that folder, does it cause an error?

    - The 3432 error doesn't appear to be happening anymore but I'll keep an eye on it and apply the reg hack if needed.

    - The corrupt message error is being caused by a single message which was sent to all users. It has little text but the TO field contains a few thousand recipients. That means the message envelope is almost 1MB and EV can't seem to handle that. Should we tick the "set failed messages - do not archive" in the archiving policy? Does that need an associated reg hack? I think that's why our A5 queues are so long.

    Thanks again.



  • For the 2270's and 6578's, I'd recommend applying ClearFailedMoveUpdate (TECH71905)

    As for the 'Corrupt' messages, that can be related to the maximum number of Recipients being hit by Outlook.  Check the following:
    Maximum Outlook attachments and recipients: AttachmentMax and RecipientMax

    I believe MS lowered the max to 2000 at one point, which can make EV and Outlook consider items 'corrupt' if they go above this.

    I hope this helps.

  • Hi Chris,

    Happy to report that setting the RecipientMax fixed practically all of the errors, after a few days.

    We still get some event log errors like "Object: CRetentionCategoryCache / Reference: RE(1)/fe" but no noticeable side-effects.

    Thanks for your help,

    - Alan.