Forum Discussion

G_70508's avatar
Level 4
16 years ago


Can anyone please tell me how i can change my current E-mail address of symantec Connect

actually my current E-mail address is hacked & giving some problem so i want to replace that with newer one
So How can i??
  • To change your email address, you must change it in your SymAccount. You can reach your SymAccount through clicking "Profile" and then "Edit" and then looking for the link in the first line. You can also access it here.

5 Replies

  • To change your email address, you must change it in your SymAccount. You can reach your SymAccount through clicking "Profile" and then "Edit" and then looking for the link in the first line. You can also access it here.

  • i was looking for that option in Symantec connect only thats why Confused

    Its Available in Profile i just Missed that Section