Forum Discussion

gcgagnon's avatar
Level 3
5 years ago

admin account lost ssh access to appliance

was working on 3.1.2 appliance yesterday and believe accidently locked out account. luckily several of us have admin accounts and can still get in.

when trying to ssh in now get an "access denied". tried to login in directly from the console and that indicates "incorrect login".

I tried to reset, change the password (and unlock) the admin password and it indicated completed successfully. but regardless get the same error messages when trying to log in.

always able to log into the netbackup admin console with the new password just the appliance fails.

I'll be checking the logs the next time I'm in

anyone else see this problem?

  • Not sure why the password reset was not working but the account did unlock after 7 days and I was able to get in after that.

6 Replies

  • Since you have other accounts that can still get in (and good on you for that choice!), check the /var/log/secure file. What reason is it giving for denying the account ? The /var/log/messages file may have some hints as to the problem as well (but secure is more likely).

    You might also try running "chage -l admin" to see if it's showing an expired account or password.


    • gcgagnon's avatar
      Level 3

      No reason givin for the access denied. Just receive that message when trying to ssh in using putty with the admin account. Nothing was changed with ssh access. Normally that's set up in the sshd_config file at least I'm aware in Linux but not sure about the netbackup appliance. 

      I'm not able to get in and check today but will pass on the find when I can

      • jnardello's avatar

        Odd. In that case I'd recommend starting with something simple - reset the admin account password again just to make sure you know it's actually set to what you think it is, maybe even going so far as to type it into notepad first and then paste it out of there; it always sucks to spend hours troubleshooting because of a typo.
        In that same vein, "access denied" is an OS security error, not something from the CLISH. Meaning password, account locking, too many retries, etc.

        You may also want to try just switching to the admin account from one of your other accounts (# su - admin), just to validate that the account itself is intact (regardless of password). If the switch fails that takes passwords out of the equation.