Forum Discussion

JasonRkr's avatar
Level 4
4 years ago

Another 3.2 Appliance Upgrade Readiness Analyzer question

To piggyback a bit on gcgagnon's question on AURA, can someone help me with the following: 1. How long does it take for the Analyzer to complete? 2. Do some sections take longer to complete than ot...
  • Systems_Team's avatar
    4 years ago

    Hi JasonRkr,

    Hopefully the information below will get you sorted.  I've also included some extra info that will probably be useful for you:

    1. AURA takes approximately 30 minutes to run.  In the output file I've attached, you can see it is slightly longer than 30 minutes.

    2. Some sections do take longer.  Like most things IT, if you watch it seems to take longer :smileyvery-happy:  At the end of running AURA, it does a DataCollect which appears to take the longest.

    3. If it runs into an issue it will display that issue with a WARNING or FAILED indicator.  The output file I've included here for you contains two failed and one warning issue, so you can see what it looks like.  It generates an output file, but the same output is shown on the appliance console.

    So in my output, you can ignore the FAILED for Appliance Restart Days, although when you do your upgrade you will need to reboot prior (and if you want to see a clean AURA run then do this anyway).  The same AURA code runs as part of the upgrade and it will not proceeed if the appliance hasn't been restarted in the last 14 days.  You can also ignore the WARNING for the last backup job status as well.  If you're able to disable your backup policies and SLP secondary operations then you shouldn't see this error (and you need to do this during your upgrade anyway).

    For the FAILED regarding the Configuration partition not being 100MB I had to raise a case which basically involved shrinking my MSDP partition so I could grow the Configuration partition.

    My upgrade went well, but due to issues I had with one of the EEB's I installed after, I'm now about to reimage this appliance.  I'll see when I do that if it creates partitions of the correct sizes for everything.  This particular issue was because /Boot was not big enough.

    Prior to your upgrade, if you have any MSDP pools you also want to make sure you have done your fingerprint conversion as in this:  Doing the FP conversion prior will ensure you don't get a huge performance hit as it tries to convert after the upgrade.

    Make sure you go through the EEB list and decide which ones you need to install.  Look at all the critical ones first, and make sure that this is one of the first:

    NetBackup 8.2 Hotfix - MSDP EEB Bundle (Etrack 3981133) - 

    Hope this helps,
