Forum Discussion

KateRua's avatar
Level 0
4 months ago

backup retention report

Hello, I need to know how I can get a report on backups that have been retained for more than 6 months.

Hello, I need to know how I can get a report on backups that have been retained for more than 6 months.

  • Hi KateRua 

    You could try using the retention level option to bpimagelist. So (assuming you have the default retention level settings where rl=6 for 6 months - try this command:

    # bpimagelist -hoursago 4400 -rl 6

    4400 hours is approximately 6 months (there would be no need to search back further). If you need the output in more readable format try using the "-L" or "-U" options. If your retention level settings are not standard, then use the bpretlevel command to see what retention level(s) correspond to 6 ,months.


  • You can use the catalog section of the gui to create the output off all backups narrowing the search dates to the dates you need.

    The same from the command line but more dificult to work with the output
    bpimagelist -d 01/01/2000 -e 12/22/2023  
    You can use the -L or -U switches as davidmoline subject and manipulate the output