Forum Discussion

Pinky472's avatar
Level 4
8 years ago

How to recover space in deduplication pool


I am facing space issue in one of my life disk pool. So thought to expire some images after duplication. But still space was not recovered. Though ran the manual clean up. Could anyone please help out here
Thanks in advance
  • MSDP cleanup process is faily efficient. Also, individual increments don't add much to the size, hence you have a couple of options:

    1. Use OpsCenter's deduplication reports to identify clients with poor dedupe rate. (anything less than 80-90% is poor dedupe rate). If you have any other storage unit, such as tape, direct those clients there. Or reduce retention.

    2. Buy another shelf if there is a business case to store that much data for that long on disk.


7 Replies

  • MSDP cleanup process is faily efficient. Also, individual increments don't add much to the size, hence you have a couple of options:

    1. Use OpsCenter's deduplication reports to identify clients with poor dedupe rate. (anything less than 80-90% is poor dedupe rate). If you have any other storage unit, such as tape, direct those clients there. Or reduce retention.

    2. Buy another shelf if there is a business case to store that much data for that long on disk.


  • If you think about it, you'll realize that expiring images won't do much. Its a deduplication pool so if you put something in it, it takes X amount of space, subsequently if you put more stuff into it, it takes x/100 amount of space (that figure is just an example).

    So you'll see that, expiring an image would only remove x/100 of space.

    That is an over simplification but I hope you get what I'm explaining.

  • is it hosted on netbackup appliance or on one of the partition on winodws & inux

    • Marianne's avatar
      Level 6

      "... is it hosted on netbackup appliance or .... "

      Please tell what your question is about?

      If you are referring to the cleanup process - it happens on the server where the MSDP pool resides. 
      In your case, it will on the Appliance.