Forum Discussion

mhhwang_1007's avatar
2 years ago

netbackup appliance 5240 doesn`t boot

  hello ~ NetBackup 5240 3.1.2 Test Device does not boot. After the Q-logic adapter 0~5 disable state, only the prompt is displayed on the screen. What should I do at this time?  
  • davidmoline's avatar
    2 years ago

    Hi mhhwang_1007 

    The default boot device should not be set to intel but this (legacy boot mode; static boot order) - then the order should be:
    Hard Disk #1 <#8400 ID1E LUN0 LSI Logical>
    Hard Disk #2 <#8400 ID1D LUN0 LSI Logical>
    Hard Disk #3 <(Bus01 Dev00) Intel® RAID Ctlr>
    Hard Disk #4 <(Bus86 Dev00) Intel ® RAID Ctlr>

    Try that and see if it boots.
