Forum Discussion

t_jadliwala's avatar
10 years ago

netbackup job fails with error 83

Dear Experts,

I am having netbackup server in guc cluster. we have 3media servers on main site and 3 media server on dr site. The media server on the main site is one is windows machine and the other two are nbu appliance 5220 and 5230. The same setup is on the dr site. 


I am taking the backup using the san client. 

i have created a storage life cycle policy which is targetting the job at 5230 appliance ie media server 3 

i have selected additional server on main site as media server2 and media server 3 for stu. 

When ever i ran the backup of my solaris client and the backup goes through  media server2 ie 5220 appliance the job fails with error code 83 


     11/17/2014 1:50:33 AM - Info nbjm(pid=23898) starting backup job (jobid=573810) for client mdoma, policy MAIN-SOLARIS-T1-MDOMA-EBT, schedule Daily  

11/17/2014 1:50:33 AM - Info nbjm(pid=23898) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=573810, request id:{F8B7BC7A-6DE2-11E4-A798-D4EB0A590373})  
11/17/2014 1:50:33 AM - requesting resource NBU-APP-Main-media-3-STU
11/17/2014 1:50:33 AM - requesting resource nb-mast.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.mdoma
11/17/2014 1:50:33 AM - requesting resource nb-mast.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.MAIN-SOLARIS-T1-MDOMA-EBT
11/17/2014 1:50:33 AM - granted resource nb-mast.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.mdoma
11/17/2014 1:50:33 AM - granted resource nb-mast.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.MAIN-SOLARIS-T1-MDOMA-EBT
11/17/2014 1:50:33 AM - granted resource MediaID=@aaaas;DiskVolume=PureDiskVolume;DiskPool=dp_disk_main-media-3;Path=PureDiskVolume;StorageServer=main-media-3;MediaServer=main-media-2
11/17/2014 1:50:33 AM - granted resource NBU-APP-Main-media-3-STU
11/17/2014 1:50:33 AM - granted resource TRANSPORT
11/17/2014 1:50:33 AM - estimated 121163020 Kbytes needed
11/17/2014 1:50:33 AM - Info nbjm(pid=23898) resumed backup (backupid=mdoma_1416177628) job for client mdoma, policy MAIN-SOLARIS-T1-MDOMA-EBT, schedule Daily on storage unit NBU-APP-Main-media-3-STU
11/17/2014 1:50:33 AM - started process bpbrm (16566)
11/17/2014 1:50:34 AM - connecting
11/17/2014 1:50:34 AM - connected; connect time: 00:00:00
11/17/2014 1:50:35 AM - Info bptm(pid=16567) start            
11/17/2014 1:50:35 AM - Info bptm(pid=16567) using 262144 data buffer size        
11/17/2014 1:50:35 AM - Info bptm(pid=16567) using 16 data buffers         
11/17/2014 1:50:35 AM - Info bptm(pid=16567) USING 262144 data buffer size for FT      
11/17/2014 1:50:35 AM - Error bptm(pid=16567) Could not open FT Client pipe for client mdoma: pipe open failed (1245201)
11/17/2014 1:50:37 AM - Info bptm(pid=16567) EXITING with status 83 <----------        
11/17/2014 1:50:37 AM - Info bpbkar(pid=9434) done. status: 83: media open error       
11/17/2014 1:50:37 AM - end writing
media open error(83)
But if the same backup goes through media server 3 5230 appliance its successfull.
if i restart my nbftserver service on media server 2 it runs fine for a day or 2 and then the same error. 
Your help is highly appreciated. 
  • TECH71062 gives an overview of that error. BPTM with logging at 5 will give more information on this. 

    It looks like in most cases this issue is resolved by modifing SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS,and  NUMBER_DATA_BUFFERS

    Refer to TECH1724 for SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS,and  NUMBER_DATA_BUFFERS values.

2 Replies

  • TECH71062 gives an overview of that error. BPTM with logging at 5 will give more information on this. 

    It looks like in most cases this issue is resolved by modifing SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS,and  NUMBER_DATA_BUFFERS

    Refer to TECH1724 for SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS,and  NUMBER_DATA_BUFFERS values.