Forum Discussion

rookie11's avatar
11 years ago

unallocated disk space

Hi experts

I have 2 NBU appliance 5220 , version 2.5.1  I could see 12.4GB unallocated disk on expansion unit storage. is this fairly  normal??? if not how can I
allocate 12.4GB to  Expansion Unit Storage (unit_2) . please tell me complete process.


NBUapp.Storage> show
Device                           | Total       | Unallocated | Status
Appliance Operating System (sda) |   930.38 GB |        -    | In Use
Base Unit Storage (unit_1)       |   4.5429 TB |        0 GB | In Use
Expansion Unit Storage (unit_2)  |   35.470 TB |   12.450 GB | In Use

Base Unit Storage (unit_1)
Catalog      :      1 GB
Deduplication: 4.5419 TB

Expansion Unit Storage (unit_2)
Deduplication: 35.458 TB

Partition     | Total       | Available   | Used        | %Used
AdvancedDisk  |        0 GB |        0 GB |        0 GB |    0%
Deduplication |       40 TB |   1.8994 TB |   38.100 TB |    96
Unallocated   |   12.450 GB |        -    |        -    |    - 

Appliance Model is NetBackup Appliance 5220.

Appliance Version is 2.5.1.

  • It is normal to ned up like this .. but your appliance is not configured for optimal performance due to splitting your de-dupe across the shelf an dthe header unit.

    It does mean loosing 4TB of de-dupe space but it would perform better if you only had the de-dupe located on the shelf. You could have the 4TB on the header used as Advanced Disk if you wanted to - trouble is that your unit is pretty full (96% full by the looks of it) so you would need to do a lot of cleanup to reduce the size before you could move it.

    If you did want to use that last little bit you could resize it - just work out what the total size would be in GB and resize it to that. (you can also use the web interface)


5 Replies

  • It is normal to ned up like this .. but your appliance is not configured for optimal performance due to splitting your de-dupe across the shelf an dthe header unit.

    It does mean loosing 4TB of de-dupe space but it would perform better if you only had the de-dupe located on the shelf. You could have the 4TB on the header used as Advanced Disk if you wanted to - trouble is that your unit is pretty full (96% full by the looks of it) so you would need to do a lot of cleanup to reduce the size before you could move it.

    If you did want to use that last little bit you could resize it - just work out what the total size would be in GB and resize it to that. (you can also use the web interface)


  • @ mark : I will work out what the total size would be in GB and resize it to that. QUES: do i need to have a down time on my appliance ??

  • No downtime needed as such but the netbackup services will be stopped before the resize and then started afterwards - the appliances use veritas volume manager so the resize is pretty much instant

    No really sure if it is all worth it for 12GB?

    Worth looking to see why your appliance is so full though - maybe a bit of queue processing etc. to trim it down - best performance is when it is kept less than 80% full

  • LOL...... Mark i m doing cleaning on daily basis. 12 GB will not make much difference its just i m handling 4 NBU appliances which are in bad shape. basically very poor planning which was done an year ago by on SA.

  • OK - well you are fine to expand it to us ethat 12 GB but if you are trying to sort these appliances out I would trim down the data on them so that you can use just the shelf for the de-dupe.

    You do loose 4TB of capacity but performance will be much better