Forum Discussion

Technic_rus's avatar
11 years ago

crcontrol command details

Hello All. We have a backup solution based on two W2008R2 servers running NetBackup 7.0.1 with MSDP feature. We have a critical mistake in build (wrong drive used for MSDP DB) and we are lookin...
  • Technic_rus's avatar
    10 years ago

    Thank you for reply.

    We tested it and it works but we think that link is not a best idea because we have poor disk performance and we would like to eliminate any impact to disk.

    We are going to do the following:

    Log on to master & media. Run cmd.exe as Administrator. Browse to D:\Program files\Veritas\Netbackup\bin on both servers
    Run bpdown -v -f on media first. Ensure that all proccess are stopped
    Run the same command on master
    On media run xcopy F:\backup\Databases E:\Database /E /I /H /K /O /X
    Rename F:\backup\Databases to F:\backup\Databases_bak on media
    Modify F:\Backup\etc\puredisk\contentrouter.cfg on media. Change "Path=F:\Backup\databases" row to "Path=E:\database" 
    Modify F:\Backup\etc\puredisk\spa.cfg on media. Change "Path=F:\Backup\databases" row to "Path=E:\database" 
    Modify PostgreSQL-8.3 service. Run regedit.exe on media. Browse to  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\postgresql-8.3.
    Amend ImagePath key to "D:\Program Files\Veritas\pdde\pddb\bin\pg_ctl.exe" runservice -N postgresql-8.3 -D "E:\database\pddb\data" -w
    Run bpup -v -f on master. 
    Run bpup -v -f on media. 

     I will post an update here once implemented.

    Thank you.