Forum Discussion

chack22's avatar
Level 4
14 years ago

(13) file read failed

Windows 2003 client running 7.0.1 getting an Error bpbrm socket read failed, Access is denied (5) and then error info bpbkar32 done, status: 13: file read failed.

These client were previously running client 6.5.3 and were recently upgraded. I've seen 13 errors in the past due to improper nic settings (half duplex) or outdated drivers, but that normally throws a socket read failed errno = 62, timer expired. I've never seen an "Access is denied" with a 13 error. I have tenatively ruled out firewall and anti-virus since we have other clients running the same version of NBU and AV/Firewall, but need more ammo if I am to request any changes related to AV/Firewall.

Any ideas?

  • Check NetBackup Client service logon account. It sometimes reset to LocalSystem during an upgrade, which might result in insufficient permissions to backup all files/folders. Ensure logon account is a domain user with sufficient permissions.

    Please enable bpbkar and bpfis log folders on Client for further troubleshooting.

  • Do you see anything in the event viewer?

    What type of backup is it?

    Which part of the backup died?

    For example if it is just a normal ms-win-nt policy, did the shadow copy component failt?

  • You mention firewall rules but is the client actually behind a firewall?

    The default ports used can change when going from 6.5 to 7

    vnetd can become the default if the client exists in the Client Attributes section of the Master Servers host properties

    If it does have to live behind a firewall then pin it to vnetd only

    Having said that i still wouldnt expect an access denied message so need the bpcd, vnetd and bpbkar logs from teh client for a better idea.

  • Check NetBackup Client service logon account. It sometimes reset to LocalSystem during an upgrade, which might result in insufficient permissions to backup all files/folders. Ensure logon account is a domain user with sufficient permissions.

    Please enable bpbkar and bpfis log folders on Client for further troubleshooting.

  • pikachu - nothing in the event viewer on the client, and the backup seems to fail after 20 minutes (timeout I'm guessing.) Standard MS-Windows policy with ALL LOCAL DRIVES set.

    Mark_Solutions - Client has Symantec Endpoint Protection installed with the Firewall enabled. We've done other upgrades to clients and haven't seen any issues.

    Marianne van den Berg - We noticed this after we did the upgrade. This is an exchange server, and we unfortunately still do the double pass for stores and mailboxes. Our mailbox backups were failing until we reset the Netbackup Client Service to the exchange service account. Hmmm. Maybe the account with full exchange rights doesn't have permission on the OS side?

    I'll get the logging turned up for tonights backups.


  • Sorry for the delay in updating...

    Client was running as an account that only had Exchange Full Admin rights, with nothing else. Once the permissions were adjusted to allow access to the filesystem on the box, backups were completing sucessfully. We did not have any issues with 6.5.3 installed, so I don't konw if 7.0 requires some aditional permissions.
