Forum Discussion

jeorainc's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

accelerator forced rescan schedule issues

Hi all,

using nbu 5230 as master server, version


All my policies using now are VMware and MS-windows. All with accelerator enabled.

All policies perform a daily incremental backup at Mon-Fri, and a Full backup at Saturday.

I read the guide recently that Symantec suggest to have a schedule with full backup and accelerator forced rescan every 6 months.


My question is, if I also have a full backup (with forced rescan) that runs every 6 months, at the day that this policy run, will I have 2 full backup at the same time? (as I also have a weekly full backup without forced rescan option) 


I want it works like when the policy with forced rescan runs, it will not run the weekly full rescan. Is it possible?


Thanks a lot!

  • Just create the 6_month_force_rescan in the same policy with the same opening windows and you are all good. No worries mate :-)

  • I knew that schedule with lower frequency will have higher priority.

    For example, my weekly full backup runs on 03:00 to 06:00 on every Saturday, frequency is set to weekly (schedule weekly_full)

    If I want to add a schedule will accelerator forced rescan, how should I set this policy? Should I also set to run on 03:00 to 06:00 on every Saturday, but frequency is set to run once after 6 months? (schedule 6_month_force_rescan)

    If yes, assume, the 6_month_force_rescan schedule finished at 04:00. Will the scheddule weekly_full continue to run at 04:00? (as the time to run is between 03:00 to 06:00). This is the scenario which I would like to prevent from happening.

  • schedule 6_month_force_rescan - Yes exactly.

    Netbackup will not run two schedules within the same backup window. So running both schedule 6_month_force_rescan and weekly_full will not happen at the same time.

  • If the 6_month_force_rescan schedule finished at 04:00. Will the scheddule weekly_full continue to run at 04:00? (as the time to run is between 03:00 to 06:00). 

  • Jeorainc , if two full backup schedules come due at the same time, only one full backup will run and it is for the schedule with the larger frequency. Other schedule(s) will be skipped.

    However, if two schedules within the policy come due at different times on a given day, then two full backups will run. This is true even if the start windows overlap. 



  • Just create the 6_month_force_rescan in the same policy with the same opening windows and you are all good. No worries mate :-)