Forum Discussion

10 Replies

  • for Windows,

    i would prefer to copy from GUI by filtering all policy summery  with active  state

    you can also use bpplilist if you know how to grep active in windows...


  • Hello,


    You'll want to look at the output of bpplllist -l (field 11 tells you if its active 1, or not active 0)

  • Sorry My Question is wrong :(

    I want to get the listing of policies either activate and deactivate via command prompt. It must show how many policies are activate and deactivate.

  • Hi,


    As mentioned above, bpplllist will give you this information. You can either use -L, -U, or -l depending on your requirement.

  • Hi Riaan,

    All three are showing same output and these are also including the deacticated policies as well.

    There is no information whehter this policy is active or inactive.

  • Check out:

    The bppllist output should show something "Active: No/Yes"

  • No . All three are NOT showing same output.

    -U and -L (MUST be uppercase) shows User and Long output.

    -U output will look like this:

    Policy Name:       <Name>
     Policy Type:         <Type>
     Active:              yes

     There are many forum discussions where similar questions were asked. For example: 


  • Hello,


    Try this


    bppllist | while read pol; do printf "%s\t" $pol;bppllist $pol -l| grep INFO| awk '{ if ($12==1) print "No"; else print "Yes"}'; done



  • Original post specified Windows.  As others have said, bpplinfo and bppllist can give you what you want.

    Assuming NetBackup commands are in your path, you can put the below into a .cmd or .bat file and run it.  Replace the %% with % and run it from CLI, but you'll have to run "echo on" when you're done to turn command-echoing back on.

    @echo off
    for /f %%i in ('bppllist') do for /f "tokens=2" %%j in ('"bpplinfo %%i -U | findstr Active"') do echo %%i %%j