Forum Discussion

keithdc's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

Adding barcode labels to tapes already used in NetBackup

We are currently in the process of putting a new media server and robot at an existing site.  The current setup is an unmanaged tape drive which is using AVR in NetBackup to create the media labels, this drive has no bardode reader and the tapes have no barcode labels on them.

The existing media server is running NBU 7.0 and Windows 2003, the new media server will be NBU and Windows 2008 R2 (the master server in this NBU domain is running

We would like to put in a new media server and a robot which has barcode reading capabilities and add barcode labels to all the existing tapes (most of which have valid data on them) so they can continue to be used.  The old media server and tape drive will be decomissioned.

I'm looking for a way we can do this, and keep the existing data on the tapes available for restores.


Firstly I believe we need to move the media from the old media server to the new one using the command below (can use bpmedialist -mlist -l -h <oldserver> to list the tapes which have valid images on them)

bpmedia  -movedb  -allvolumes   -oldserver   <decommisioned_media_server>   -newserver <media_server_inheriting_media>

Once this is done I believe I can use the vmchange command to update the media information, but I'm not sure of the exact steps required, or the order in which to do them. I am under the impression that if we simply put barcode labels on the tapes and inventory them into the new robot we will run into trouble. Lets assume one of the existing Media ID is A00015 and the new barcode label is XYZ123L4 and this tape has valid data on it that we would like to be able to easily restore if needed.

If someone can help out with this query we would appreciate it!

Many thanks

  • vmchange -barcode <barcode> -m <media_id>

    vmchange -barcode XYZ123L4 -m A00015 

    You should now be able to use media in the robot.
    Keep an eye on expiration dates and re-lable tapes as soon they've expired. Remember to de-select 'Verify label' option.
    Delete old media-id and re-inventory the robot to add new media-id.

3 Replies

  • vmchange -barcode <barcode> -m <media_id>

    vmchange -barcode XYZ123L4 -m A00015 

    You should now be able to use media in the robot.
    Keep an eye on expiration dates and re-lable tapes as soon they've expired. Remember to de-select 'Verify label' option.
    Delete old media-id and re-inventory the robot to add new media-id.

  • Thank you Marianne, so it looks like I can immediately relabel those tapes which have expired, then keep an eye on the other tapes and as they expire, run the Label from the admin console GUI delete the old Media ID and deselect the "Verify Label" then inventory those tapes back in which will then assign the Media ID according to the barcode label.


  • 100% Correct!

    Just run vmchange command for all assigned media before you do an Inventory, then label all unassigned tapes. 

    Remember to double-check drive and media densities - old media must match robot drive density as well as STU.